This message was addressed to every person in the world, and came after a healing meditation I did on December 16. I warned you many times, I bring great change, and there will be more to come.
My parents were Indian Muslims, mom's family from Hyderabad Deccan, and dad from Uttar Pradesh in the mountains of Northern India. My family has a tradition of physicians on the one side and Sufi Muslim saints on the other. I am a Syed, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, but from my earliest memory I was never a Muslim, my belief systems ran more towards Buddhist and Hindu Philosophy. Yet, if there is a Muslim that appeals to me it would be Dara Shikoh, the Mughal prince that should have been Emperor, who sought the common aspects of all the religions of the world, and Sheikh Abdul Qader Jilani, the Sufi mystic who was my ancestor. I will write more about Islam later, but this is about the people of India and Pakistan, and their shared history and karma.
When the Indian subcontinent was divided in 1947 between Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan, my parents were forced to move to Pakistan. Several hundred thousand people on both sides were killed in communal violence. I was born in Lahore, Pakistan, but my roots lie in India. So I love both countries, and don’t see any conflict in that.
When India was partitioned the agreement was that areas under direct British control were to be divided on the basis of religion, so Muslim areas would go to Pakistan, Hindu areas to India, and the semi-independent princely states were to hold elections to decide which way the people wanted to go. West and East Pakistan was formed earlier, but there were three states that could go either way. Hyderabad and Junagadh, with Muslim rulers but a Hindu majority population, were annexed right away by India but the Hindu ruler of Kashmir, with a majority Muslim population, delayed holding a vote. When tribal soldiers under Pakistani control invaded Kashmir, the Maharajah ceded the state to India. The two countries went to war and the United Nations had to force a ceasefire in 1949, with both sides promising to hold a plebiscite to allow the people to decide their future. To date that hasn't happened. Here's a background on that:
The people of Kashmir, if given a choice, would rather have their own state, but it's unlikely that either India or Pakistan would allow that to happen.
The sources of many of India and Pakistan’s rivers are in Kashmir, and if India were to allow Kashmir to leave the Union, the Punjab’s Sikhs would likely be next, and India has already fought a dirty war to keep the Sikhs within the fold.
India and Pakistan have fought 4 wars so far, in 1947-1949, 1965, 1971 and 1999. This time around, both sides have the Bomb, so are unlikely to use it, as it would finish the Central Asian Oil pipeline project. It would also destabilise the region. The chances of another conventional war is still there, so watch for developments over the next few days.
My father was a diplomat, (Corr: he wasn't the ambassador, in the accepted sense of 'diplomat'. he was in the foreign service) so I grew up in England and Japan. Even learned Japanese, now forgotten, alas. I had no feeling of belonging to any one religion , so instead choose a more universal Buddhist-Hindu philosophy and personal spiritual belief system that draw heavily on the secret history of the original races of humanity.
When dad's posting to America fell through we returned to Pakistan where I finished University. Most of my family was in the military, so I went to Air Force school but failed the medical exam to join the Air Force. Another door opened, and while I went to Canada in 1970, many of my friends on both sides of the border fought (and died) in the 1971 war.
If left alone, the people of India and Pakistan would be at peace. They have the same root culture, but are divided by religion and a thousand years of divisive politics. Wherever I go, I have a common bond with Indians, Pakistanis, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists. Many of the thinking people would choose to live together in peace and work together to solve the common problems of the subcontinent. There is a quiet anti-war movement on both sides of the border, but jingoistic politicians, single-minded military men, and religious leaders drown their voices out. Both sides have worked to destabilise the other country, with assassinations, sabotage and atrocities committed by so-called terrorists.
There has to be a solution to the Kashmiri conflict. The Kashmiris had self-rule until 1989, when a heavy-handed federal Indian government took over the state government of Farooq Abdullah. India has committed gross human rights violations as documented by Amnesty and Human Rights International. Over 50,000 Kashmiris have been killed. Guerrillas operating from the Pakistani side have also committed atrocities. Only International mediation would solve it, but International interests ARE at play here, so let’s keep the world (and India and Pakistan) in a permanent state of weakness.
If left alone, both sides could eventually solve their problems, but are stuck in a state of mutual hostility and paranoid distrust. I can’t change that, the people who belong there will have to wake up and work for it.
I, who once was Krishna, the Christ who sought refuge in India; the Mahdi and hidden Imam who will heal Islam cannot return to the country of my birth until the people are ready.