Friday, December 18, 2009
Chiron, the Wounded Healer
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Islamic Bomb and the Day of Judgement
The US firebombed Tokyo in 1945. More people died then than at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but it was the horrific image of the atom bomb that has gripped the collective consciousness. It was a message of ultimate destruction, designed to not only annihilate the wartime enemy but also intimidate any future enemies that might dare to resist the Empire.
Didn't work, of course. The Russians decided they wanted the Bomb too, and got one. then the Brits French Chinese and Israelis got lots, using stolen or transferred technology.
They had to test the Bomb, of course, so lots went off on ocean atolls, in the atmosphere, and underground so that millions of people died from subsequent cancers. The Earth itself was permanently poisoned. Global disarmament (the "Peace Sign") was the movement whose campaign of civil disobedience based on Gandhian principles inspired the Civil Rights movement, Anti-War, Environmentalism and other causes.
When the Chinese got the bomb the Indians, who were fearful of them, developed their own, so the Pakistanis, fearful of the Indians, got their own, unfortunately styled 'Islamic' bomb. Now maybe the Iranians are trying to get one?
A woman came to see me in L.A. She was dying of cancer, which had metastasized and spread to her bones. She could barely walk, and her back was so hunched she couldn't walk. After two sessions her back straightened completely and her pain was gone. Coincidentally, her husband was a senior IAEA Inspector, who monitored nuclear programs. During the six months we were there, she did quite well, though the cancer was still there.
That woman is an analogue for the state of Islam today. It is consumed by cancer, yet even when offered healing, it cannot heal. Now I have honestly stated my deep love for Muslims but also, reasons for criticism, here: so there's nothing new to add there.
But how does that correlate with the Islamic Bomb and Day of Judgement? Muslims believe in corporal entities like Angels, who are beings of light, and Djinn, beings of fire. They also believe in a Final Day of Judgement, when all will be judged, and these elements are all a part of that narrative. The Pakistani Nuclear bomb is, in fact, the Genie in the lamp I refer to.
There’s a terrible beauty in weapons of war. Guns, swords, nuclear bombs. I can even, contrarian that I am, appreciate the tremendous effort in physics it took to manufacture them without moralizing about How Bad They Are. If some seek to threaten the Muslim nation, who would then feel safe by having the Bomb, I say go for it. Pakistan, Iran, Libya (now THAT was a hoot!) and I could even understand their strategic reasoning.
But: Are they really safer now? I doubt that. In one way, it prevents a conventional war. In another way, all it leads to is attempts by various states and intelligence agencies to destabilize the countries trying to develop nuclear devices. THAT is what’s happening in Pakistan now, but of course, the real, underlying, motive is that it all really is a War against Islam, because Islam resists this global domination.
That’s how I see it politically, and I’ve already asked the question, why is this resistance incapable of winning, but just persevering; where is the leader or saviour from Islam? But spiritually, I see it differently. Djinns are capable, like humans, of good and evil, and nuclear power can likewise be used either way. Djinns, as creatures of fire, will bring about the Final Days.
So, a nuclear war? No. The earth would become uninhabitable. But humanity, and not just Muslims, will still go through the fire now. You see, it is a human failing to want to control their environment, when one can’t even control one’s self. To that end we look for intercession from angels, djinns, and God. Some Muslims even attempt to conjure up djinn to do their bidding. But, according to tradition, those who try to control the djinn when they can’t even follow the right path, will always end up being hurt and tricked by them.
So, as millions of Muslims are being brutalized and killed, and NOT ONE Muslim is capable leading the Ummah, the question remains: are we entering the final Days? Indeed, yes, and it has been prophesied. And this applies To All, not just Muslims. The world will be in a worse place next year, and the Day of Judgement will come for all.
What can we do to prepare? Stop trying to control power. Follow the spiritual path. Be the best you can be.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Occupation of the Mind
As I get to a certain age :) I find myself reflecting on what I did with my life, and the directions taken. What always intrigued me was the pursuit of knowledge, but, as I recognised how we could control the mind, so, too, could the mind be controlled; if we could occupy or use the mind, so, too, could the mind be occupied by external forces, not always benevolent.
Our minds are occupied territory, no less than Palestine is, no less than the people of Orwell's 1984, no less than the drug controlled people of Huxley's Brave New World. And we do have Big Brother, new 'permanent enemies', and new drugs to control and manipulate us.
Then there's this: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country… We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized… ”So opens Propaganda (1928), one of several strikingly frank analyses of western social psychology written by Edward Bernays. This nephew of Sigmund Freud founded the public relations industry in the United States"
Yes there is 'an unseen mechanism of society' and the question is, who, and what, are the forces that manipulate our minds?
I was the boy who was always reading a book. I was the one who questioned things. Not finding all the answers I needed in the Material world, I visited the Psychic and Spiritual worlds.
And this what I saw. Everything is, and has, an energy. When you learn to see the ebb and flow of energy, the imprints, the little points of light that are people, that are thoughts, that are events past, events that are are yet to take place, and the forces that try to shape them. it's so easy to read, like a book..
I wrote Man From Atlan in 1974. There's a scene inside an Egyptian pyramid. There, the descendants of the Atlanteans, now set up as the gods of Egypt, discuss how their secret society uses religion to control the masses.. for their own good of course.
There's a debate right now which pits religion against scientific objectivism, or the so called rational mind. This is a false debate, IMO, because both can be dogmatic, both can be abusive and part of the manipulative process. It is control through permanent conflict, which once used to be between believers and non-believers, 'good' vs 'evil' and now, the 'rational' and 'irrational' mind.
Yes, there are religious leaders, of every faith, who say their faith condones killing. That is false, as are they. But objective humanists do just as much harm with their new religion of what I call "Scientism", which seeks to confine all human knowledge to what can be determined by a new priesthood using what is called the Scientific Method. They could never acknowledge subtle energies, or Astrology, or ESP. Since they never can, it seems, admit that Vaccines are harmful, or adding Fluoride to our drinking water is insane, to name just two examples, I conclude that the harm they do is far greater than that posed by the religious fanatics, but I'll let them and the Darwin fetishists slug it out. Yes, religiousity is so easy to manipulate, and it in turn controls people through fear. But the rational mind bound by what can be observed through the senses controls people too. Get the Flu shot or you'll die! Hmmph.
There are so many ways opinion and belief can be moulded. Religion, society, culture, and authority figures masked as experts. Celebrities can sell anything, as we project our own lack of self-identity on to fantasy figures in the ether. The Media, the great distraction which includes the Internet, bombards us with visual stimuli designed to create a post hypnotic condition. Then we'll buy anything. Then we'll be manipulated into wars. Then we'll buy Bernays' 'Propaganda' and let our minds live under Occupation..
I've already identified the global elites. You can't defeat them with violence, that's Their tool. I couldn't even be bothered whether they're demons, or possessed by them. The sheer scope of their power makes them blind.. I can see them, I can outlive them beyond generations, and my mind, unbound, will always be free...
This is how we can free our selves. Accept responsibility for our selves instead of blaming others. Don't accept or buy their shit. Look after your self and your family. Build community and, be your brother and sister's keeper. Find your spiritual center. Always be in it.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Zombie Remembrance Day
My daughter Gebbriel's elementary school class was working on a tableau commemorating Remembrance Day. My zombie-loving 10 yr old suggested they model it on Dawn of the Dead, with everyone chasing each other around and killing each other, and how silly war was, with people killing each other like zombies.
One kid said:
"I've got a rifle and I can kill everybody" pointing it around the class and going Bam! Bam! then another said "I have a rifle too" and started shooting so everyone in class started running around and shooting and falling down. Then my daughter marched in and, striking a pose, said "Everyone's dead. Now we have Peace!"
Every one was laughing now but the teacher said, 'sorry kids, this is a solemn occasion, so you'll have to be serious'.
The kids have it right: War is silly.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
This stupid, stupid war

Monday, October 19, 2009
Mysticism, not Religion
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Spiritual Children
and feels their energy. Lately spirits have been talking to her, and she's frightened. She asked my daughter to help get rid of them. One spirit is friendly, and when they talk to him every thing's fine. The other one is more disturbed, and when they move into her 'territory' the wind blows. My daughter says it's spooky, but she's not really scared. Her friend is, though, and we may have to talk to her parents.
In 1848 there was an event that led to the development of modern day spiritualism. Three young sisters of the Fox family in the town of Hydesville, New York, started to communicate with the spirits of the dead. People came from all over to see tables and chairs lift off the floor, hear rapping noises and other phenomena. ;
They determined the spirit causing the events was a man who'd been murdered and buried in their cellar. No body was found, but in 1904 further excavation did in fact find a body in the cellar area. Newspapers reported the story widely; and as the craze swept America, sceptics and believers argued about the truth of spiritualism. Many people did in fact try to debunk them, but were never able to prove trickery. And many people who had lost family were heartened to believe they could contact the spirits of their loved ones.
Yet for all their wealth earned by their mediumship abilities the sisters descended into alcoholism and died penniless. In 1888 the most gifted of them, Maggie Fox, crippled by stress, even claimed to have made it all up, but later recanted her confession. The fact remains that the 19th century was a remarkable time with spiritual events taking place all over the world. Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophist movement, Arthur Conan Doyle's 'Cottingley Fairies' photos (later assumed to be faked) and the inexplicable levitation feats of Daniel Dunglass Holmes:
A great deal of effort goes into trying to understand, perhaps even to rationalise these events. And my childhood was like that. I saw spirits, and sort of levitated (I jumped off a roof) and my childhood was spiritual. And I hope I can help my children to be spiritual.
But here's the thing: We're going through a tremendous time of change, and children are being affected by it. I'm concerned that parents might neither understand what's happening nor how to help them. I also am aware that there's a health factor involved. Due to environmental toxins and vaccines children are developing brain tumours that may cause hallucinations (I've treated many such children over the summer)
But: children need to learn to develop these special gifts they are born with, safely, they need to be nurtured, they need to know how to balance the spiritual realms with the material, and, they need to not be afraid of the unknown. They need a spiritual practice, be it meditation, or even esoteric training with a teacher, to keep the energies at arms length. But when balanced, these children are amazing!
I saw many gifted people lose their abilities over time or suppress them. I saw many people either medicated or turn to drugs and alcoholism. Is it a mental health issue or one of misunderstood spiritual ability and extreme emotional sensitivity?
I know only this: that there's a child who's afraid of what she sees, and hears. For her sake I will tell her parents, but hope she will also, never ever lose her very special gifts.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Money Money Money
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
The Bird Came Again
And some people showed up for healing-but many more did not. Those who need it the most, resist the most.
I'd said many people would pass away this year. It happened.
But, I can't just frighten people with what I see when all that does is take away their freedom of choice, and the lessons they must learn. They have to know they need help, and they need to ask.
A Bird Came For Healing once. The next day our neighbour died. Birds are messengers of spirit, and where else do we go into spirit but the point at which we die? Yes we can go into spirit, through meditation, and dreams, and healing, into various levels.
But there is a way, and that way is to let go of ego. The ego is the part of us that, based on the past, defines us.
So I had to look at myself and ask what I had to change.
Then another bird came to our new home, and it was a Merlin Falcon, again. Another bird, rarely seen in the city, which hovered right outside our window for the longest while.
Then yesterday another Merlin, flashing by in front of our car.
Merlin was Arthur’s teacher. He is in spirit, and being reborn again. We, too, are being reminded to change ourselves, and rescue our spirituality.
And in the time to come, remind ourselves: Whatever we need, will come to us.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
My Spiritual Community

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Cults I have known
Toronto was an interesting place in 1970.
I taught meditation, and met many colorful groups: hippies and American draft dodgers, saffron garbed Krishna devotees, and, people in dark Harry Potter robes with embroidered patches of oh yeah, Satan on the one side and silver crosses and the swastika like P logo on the other, belonging to the Process Church of the Final Judgment. I made many friends, and got to know them well, and in the end I could either join the Process "there's this (18 year old) girl who really, really, likes you" or Hare Krishna "here's a tambourine and you can chant all day" I choose neither, of course. My path was not so simple.
The Krishna Consciousness movement was a microcosm of every thing wrong with the ‘Indian guru goes to America and does well’ aspect of the New Age movement and it was, unfortunately, a cult. The focus on raising money, the sexual improprieties and abuse, unbalanced diet and conditions designed to keep people in a state of fatigue and more easily open to suggestion. It fell apart after the death of its founder Swami Prabhupada as his disciples fought amongst themselves.
I know that Swami Prabhupada was motivated by the purpose of bringing Krishna Consciousness to the world. I know he helped many people. I know he was not aware of the abuse, and did not condone it; the allegations came out after his death. They were also true, as several insiders confirmed to me. But that isn’t my point, which is that a focus on matters outside of this world can lead only to imbalances within this one, as I have seen over and over again in all sorts of groups and movements.
The Process Church was even more interesting, read the article and links at:
Led by Robert de Grimston and his wife Mary Anne MacLean, they were a splinter group from Scientology. In 1966, they retreated from the world to Xtul, in the Yucatan peninsula. There, with the aid of various stimuli and psychedelia, they channeled God, aka Jehovah, then, the later aspects Christ, Lucifer and Satan, and stated we all vibrate according to one or the other aspect, and we must eventually integrate all four. They were much perturbed when I said I already integrated all four :) I was a young whippersnapper then.
Having been born out of the various psychoanalytical therapy movements of the 60’s, the Process was widely influential with Rock Stars and in the counter culture movement. The Process eventually fell apart when it turned out they had some connection with multiple killers Charles Manson and Sam Berkowitz, the son of Sam.
I found it interesting they had a secret, undisclosed belief in long ago UFO’s visiting Earth based on the writings of Brinsley Le Poer Trench,,_8th_Earl_of_Clancarty and and that their
ideology had some resemblance with mine. But I saw also elements of manipulation and control I would never be able to live with.
Yet, for all they might truly believe in an apocalyptical world and that Charles Manson was a sign of the end times, but, there was something beautiful there too, in that even if they got Satan all wrong, they still got God, somewhat right.
Robert de Grimston, Process Church of the Final Judgment.
Yeow! The reading is a riff on War, and yes it should be read in full, great poetry cannot be summarised but read in its entirety.
But here's the conclusion:
"1.15 Humanity as a whole will not rise above its conflicts. Even if it were to do so it would still destroy all the physical, social and moral structures which it has created, because it would see their total invalidity. But it will not; so the destruction will take place in a chaos and confusion of ignorance, with the vast majority still clinging desperately to their hollow materialistic dreams, even in the depths of their final despair; whilst the few who do rise above the conflicts, will stand aside, separated from the mass, united not within but without the man-made structures of the human game, and linked to a new reality founded not on the laws of men but on the Laws of GOD."
The Process Church reinvented itself as the New Ager Foundation Faith of the Millennium, then as one of America’s most well known Animal Rescue services, the Best Friends Animal Society based in Utah. It pleases me to know that my old friends Brothers Micah and Michael, and Mother Ophelia, who sought so hard in the 60’s and the 70’s to create a better new world, now serve our animal friends. (They were the organization that went in and rescued many animals from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and if they ignored the humans, at least they did good, nevertheless)
I lived through tumultuous times and saw how hard people tried to change the corrupt society they lived in. The assassinations of JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lennon, the Vietnam War, Kent State and anti-war movement, Che Guevara’s execution, the 1966-68 student riots, the music, the films. We were the idealistic generation, and if some choose to drop out and explore the possibility of a beautiful spiritual alternative, then more power to them.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
My Gay Friend
The funny thing was, that in a hypersexualised school where horny 14 year old teenagers actually dragged a donkey into a dorm and attempted a really unnatural act I was the one considered to be er, different.
The fact is that I have had many gay friends, and through them I have learned many lessons about healing, compassion, and sexuality.
Yet it was still interesting that I had so many encounters with gay people. At college, my best friend came on to me, and maybe it was my extreme sexual naiveté and maybe it was just my own inner self protection that told me this wasn't my choice, but it took me many years to realise my best friend was gay.
Such things were not unknown in Pakistan; at college there were many young men who had lovers (the others would peek through the windows and watch) and many of them went on to marry and have children. But my best friend was, and remains, gay.
Now I've seen this in many Islamic countries, even in Iran. As long as the person is discreet, you usually are left alone. My friend, being part of the elite, had an added layer of protection. In Iran, homosexuality is a capital crime, and in Pakistan punishable by a hundred lashes (though many charges it seems are politically or financially motivated) but my deepest sadness would be the nonacceptance of these men and women by their family or society.
You see, God doesn't discriminate against gays, nor does God love them any less than the rest of his creation. This is one thing I hold against all religions, their artificial rules and control of self-ruling people's sexuality.
The thing is, God gave humanity free choice. And if people choose to be gay, bless them. When my Muslim father said a hurricane in Halifax was God's punishment for a Gay Pride parade in Toronto I asked whether God couldn't get directions to Toronto and when a Christian pastor said God punished the US for its homosexuals I said Hurricane Katrina was a result of the imbalance in the earth and not God's punishment (though the US has its own, terrible karma, which has nothing to do with sexual morality, it still has ONE last chance to change-they must follow me)
Though to be absolutely honest, I do think man and woman is the natural order of things because of the yin yang flow of energy, but that does not take away your freedom of choice.
I have noted there are three areas in which our karma can be primarily manifested:
1. Our relationships.
2. The society and culture we are born into.
3. Being born as a man or a woman.
So what if those who were men in a previous life were born as women, and women, men?
What if we were confused about our sexuality because we were men in women's bodies and women in men's bodies? Is that our fault? No it isn't, we may or may not be predisposed, and it's not a genetic fault, or a disease that needs to be 'cured' or 'worked through'. It's a part of our healing journey, and that's the only way it can be approached. It doesn't matter what choice you make, as long as you're at peace with your choice. And if I talk about the balance between the male and female energy, then how you express it is, entirely up to you.
So here I am in Toronto in 1970 and I'm getting a come on from women and men. A man comes out of an elevator and kisses me, a complete stranger, full on the lips. Cool. Would I like a coffee? Sure. We chat. Would I like to go to his home? Not wishing to mislead him, I said, "just to let you know, I'm not homosexual" (gay wasn't used then)
A spiritualist reverend (another friend) asks if I'd like to have sex with him "you'll really like it". I decline and read his palm "You'll be married and have a son when you're 30" He did.
Maybe my male female vibe confused people. Maybe it was my natural friendliness :) And I was now becoming really really heterosexual ;) so nothing much happened for a while, till I began to commit to my healing work.
The AIDS epidemic really frightened a lot of people. I volunteered my time at an AIDS clinic, and when they couldn't get around to setting up a schedule, I visited patients at home. Even those with full blown AIDS actually got better. Btw, AIDS is a man made virus, designed to target certain populations. I knew this psychically and spiritually, but when I confirmed this with my own research and through my activist friends, this filled me with a rage that I still feel to this day. And I don't like this retroviral crap or criminal organisation called Big Pharma either.
There was a young man named Daniel who came to our clinic. He'd already been helped with a macrobiotic diet and through the spiritual healing became really well. He came to all the weekly meditations and workshops and was the sweetest person. When Aruna was born he held her for such a long time and I could see how much he wanted to be a father. In his family only his sister accepted and defended him, so we were his extended family.
When we moved to the U.S., without the regular treatments, he became ill. He passed away after a year, and we never found out until we returned. He forgave his family at the end, and he's at peace now, but he didn't die of AIDS, he died of a broken heart. How could any parent deny their own child; how could any deity deny his own creation?
I make clear that in healing one helps the body heal, the mind to be at peace, the spirit to be free. It isn't my place to tell people what they should or should not be or do. If they ask for help in anything, I do so as a neutral party. If it had been in Daniel's karma to be who he was, that was fine. If he wanted to at least have a family of his own that would have been great. If he'd asked me to officiate at his marriage then I would have, because who was I to deny we can not control who we love, to someone who had shown me such faith?
Because it is possible to love any and all beings. Because even if I did not love my friends that way, I loved them still. My male, female, tran gendered friends, to let them know that God would love them always.
I had to decide between two movie posters for this article, My Beautiful Launderette, and Wilde. Wilde, then, because I'd played Ernest in a school play. Both great movies about human love. I also recommend Touch of Pink, and eventually I suppose I'll see Brokeback Mountain, even though I thought at first it might be too Hollywoody :)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Maya Calendar: The End of Times
Many prophecies have been made about the end of Times. They interest us because millennial belief systems have always seemed so logical, so orderly that we could surrender to them without having to accept the responsibility that always accompanies true prophecy. This is the danger of prophecy, that once the future is proclaimed, we can surrender freedom of choice: why struggle when everything is pre-ordained?
That is why I hesitate to say what the future will bring, and always talk about potential, and possibility, and the need for sacrifice, willingly made.
The Maya were gifted astronomers and mathematicians, and their calculations showed the end of the long count calendar would take place exactly on December 21, 2012, which coincides with "On the winter solstice of 2012, the noonday Sun exactly conjuncts the crossing point of the sun's ecliptic with the galactic plane, while also closely conjunction the exact center of our galaxy" This is our Galactic Center, about which I will write more.
Earlier that year, Venus will pass directly in front of our sun, an extremely rare occurrence, happening twice every 122 years. They signify natural disasters. The last regular occurrence of 1874 and 1882 was followed by typhoons and the destruction of Mt. Krakatoa, the largest volcanic eruption ever. The first leg of the current cycle took place in 2004, followed by the Asian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and the Sichuan earthquake. The second leg will take place in June 2012.
High sunspot activities are followed by wars: the last peak took place in 2000-2001, the next will be in 2012. Will there be war, or a war to end wars?
Those who are born close to the Galactic Center, or have an astrological ascendant or midheaven close to it have this great (sometimes too great) power available to them: Gandhi had it, I (and I'm not a Gandhi) do too, but really, it's going to be interesting to see what happens to me (let alone the world) over the next two years. What I do know is that I will be there on that day, and God will be there.
And another interesting coincidence: According to an ancient Chinese astrology based on constellations as opposed to the more familiar 12 animals, I was born on the day of the sky sheep, which day will occur again on Dec. 21, 2012. That day, in Chinese Astrology with its emphasis on good and bad luck, is mournful, centred as it is in the constellation of the Ghostly Carriage. It deals with spiritual and supernatural matters, my forte :) and people born under this sign have clairvoyant abilities.
So what do I see for that day? Is it the Dimensional Shift I have written about before? The Maya saw the end of the shorter cycle as a time of rebirth, perhaps coinciding with the great floods, but the end of the Long Count? A biblical rapture event? The End of the World, or a beginning?
My answer is this: think of it as a journey, and some will see a great darkness, and some will see a man, helping them into the light.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The ability to change
I have fought an ongoing battle on behalf of the poor and the dispossessed, the spiritual seekers and those in need of healing or who were blocked from enlightenment for so long that I would like, just once, to lighten up :)
So here I am, and if there is one message of hope I can give, it is that yes, you can change. It doesn't matter what your karma is, or your age or religion or parents or societal upbringing or environment or material circumstance; you can change.
So there are problems in the world and your personal life, and maybe, you can't change that no matter how hard you try. But the greatest struggle, and the one that comes with the greatest outcome, is the one you make to change yourself.
I can't tell you any more than I already have as to how to accomplish that. But since my next message is going to be more...severe, I can say this: the answer lies within your self.
The Joy of Hafez
If I have a special place in my heart for the holy books the Quran, Bhagvad Gita, or Bible, it is because of the power of their poetry, and the poetry of Shakespeare, Lao-Tzu and Hafez also has a special place in my heart.
I remember with special fondness when a friend and I read the Diwan i Hafiz in the Persian by candlelight in Tehran during Nawrooz, the Persian New Year. It was a very difficult time for what I saw ahead, but also because the reading gave me a confirmation the path I choose would lead me to what I sought. Fal-e-Hafiz can be an oracle as well.
Nawrooz in Tehran 2007: A friend and i stayed up reading Fal-e-Hafiz
"Than eternal life, union is better
Friday, July 10, 2009
A Healer's Prayer
A Healer's Prayer
I am one with you,
I am one with God.
I am one with myself
and all my dimensions,
I am one with God.
I am one with the Universe
and all Thy Dimensions.
I am one with God.
I am one with
our Mother Earth and
Heavenly Father
I am one with God
I am the Child
I am Love,
I am God
~ Naseer Ahmad 1990
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Whither goest thou, Israel?
a deeper place than that. This is prophecy, let's see how it turns out.
I wrote of my deep connections with and love for the Jewish people in my 2001 article "Battle for the Soul of the Jewish People" and more in "Mary Magdalene and the 12 Miriams" as one of many messages to ALL the people of the world.
But: what happens in Israel is central to the future of the world.
But: the power to change has been taken away from the people of Israel, and only individuals can change, but Israel, no, not ever, I'm sorry to say.
What will happen will happen, and Israel will be no more. A peaceful democratic state, under another name, with equal rights for all, possibly. That will only happen under certain conditions. People will have to change. And as to the form of destruction, that again will depend. Earth cataclysm? A meteorite hitting Jerusalem? Population change or genetic illness? Or just, a fading away? I see what will happen, but who am I to take away people's freedom of choice? Let them see for themselves.
Here's an astrological article I wrote for a magazine in 2006, based on trends from 2000 on:
Israel’s Astrology Chart
I have long appreciated Astrology’s help in better understanding of people and events. Astrological interpretations may also, based on a nation's horoscope, tell us about challenges it may face in the future, as a result of past actions.
The current cycle began with a stellium of planets in Taurus in 2000 and will continue for many years to come. Taurus countries like Israel will suffer upheaval after upheaval..
Israel ended the year 2005 with a grand cross of the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Mars in the signs of Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, and Taurus, all forcefully impacting Israel’s 8th House (Death) Sun, 10th House (Public standing) Saturn and Pluto, and 1st-7th House (how others see you, and relationships/ alliances) Nodes and 1st House Chiron (the wound we carry inside ourselves)
For the biblical inclined, Ezekiel 1:4 speaks of cherubim bearing the face of a Lion (Leo) Eagle (higher octave of Scorpio) Man (Aquarius) and Ox (Taurus) as God's warning to 'a proud and rebellious people' which is exactly what these phenomena represent.
The year 2006 is therefore momentous for the people of Israel, with several major astrological events directly affecting the national horoscope. It is also a culmination of events that began in 2000, with a grand stellium of planets in Taurus, Israel's sign, which coincided with the Palestinians' 2nd Intifada. The images of Palestinians bravely fighting against tanks with rocks caused world opinion to turn so decisively against Israel, and only the events of 9/11, various assassinations, manufactured outrages and amazingly coincidental 'terrorist plots' distracted people enough to grant a reprieve. This time around, the astrological factors are so profound, so numerous, it appears unlikely Israel can escape so easily.
These are the major significators:
Every 29-30 years every person undergoes a major shift called a Saturn Return. This requires a major evaluation of one's life and direction. Israel's 1st Saturn return in 1977 coincided with Anwar Sadat's historic visit to Israel and the possibility, however unrealised, of peace. The 2nd Saturn return, at age 58-60, is where all the unrealised ambitions come home to roost. Either we have come to peace, or, we're on life support, waiting to die. Interestingly, Israel's 2nd Saturn return happened this August (2006) when it was fought to a national-confidence destroying draw with Hezbollah.
The second major factor is the center of our galaxy, the Galactic Center at 27 Sagittarius. This conjuncts Israel's Jupiter, which gives it an overweening confidence in its ability to survive. Any major impact on that point has the effect of disillusioning them of that belief. The planet Uranus' conjunction with the G.C. in 1987, then Saturn-Uranus conjunction there in 1988, coincided with the 1st Palestinian Intifada, which shook Israel to the core, and only the 1st Gulf War granted it a reprieve. 1987 also was the year the Palestinian Representative was first invited to attend the Security Council, with the same rights as a sovereign state, and in 1988, Hamas came into being.
The third factor is when the planets Jupiter Saturn and Neptune together impact Israel's Pluto, Saturn, and Sun right up to the end of the year. There will be much false optimism leading ultimately to disillusionment, unless radical changes in the national psyche take place now. Sadly, there appear to be no leaders that could lead Israel towards the path of peace.
Lastly, and most significant, is the conjunction of Pluto with the Galactic Center for the years 2006-2009, becoming exact twice, in December 2006 and October 2007. Astronomers may have demoted Pluto to planetoid status, but to an Astrologer, Pluto still is the planet of death and regeneration. The last time Pluto conjunct the Galactic Center, in 1745, we had the Age of Enlightenment, and, also, the Jacobin Rebellion. There will be a far greater change in Israel, and only time will tell how it turns out...
Since that time, President Obama has been elected, as I predicted, but has not turned out to be a means of change, which was his choice. Hamas won the Palestinian elections in 2007 since Fatah no longer had any moral authority whatsoever. Again, part of my prophecy. Israel's actions in Gaza from 2007-2009 were just a continuation of previous actions, and not even, the beginning of the end. That is yet to come, but when the time comes, and it will be soon, those who could not see, will pay the price. It is not as if I hadn't warned, or told them what they must do before..
Some might ask why I'm picking on Jewish people alone. I'm not. There is no more validity to the need for an Islamic state than a Jewish state. Both Islam and Judaism share a common prophet, as I made clear in my recent "Cheiro the Last Prophet":
But the gift that passed on to the Jewish people then the Muslims has passed on, and what happened was that these religions have all been compromised, and will end in their own time. And people will be free to follow their own path, but without the trappings of a repressive state to support that, or coerce people away from free will or with selective moral or nationalistic precepts.
And what will come will not be Christianity or Buddhism or any other ism, including capitalism or socialism. It is a path that acknowledges each person's right to find God in his or her own way, and share the gifts of Earth with all instead of enshrining Greed.
Nor is there any more proof to be had. My proof was in my writing and my actions and all the prophecies I made that came true. In the last two years I have said that Iranian leader Ayatollah Khamenei would survive in Iran, and he did, and that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would win the Iranian election, and he did, and is it just coincidence that these two seem to be Israel's nemesis?
It is also sad that of all those who follow me not one is Jewish or Muslim but that is their choice after all. I am the descendant of the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and my lineage is of Moses, and David (may their names be blessed) and a thousand more coincidences to my name so to those who may argue that I don't quite fit their prophecy, make no mistake. I have come not only to the sky god based peoples but the native peoples in so many lives. I am the one who promised I would come back one day to heal the earth. I have even told you my names, because each name is power.
But the time is up, and those who could not change, will not, except in their next lives. And what I see happening, will, and you can all pray for God's help, but it will not come in the way you ask for. You could have had peace.. Now the healing of the earth must unfold.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Arjuna Reborn
Arjuna is a metaphor for all those who are disciples, or followers of God. The lessons taught, sometimes with a kick in the pants, sometimes with a "oh quit your whining", but always with love, are a path to peace, and union with God.
He was the great warrior Rahwin on Atlan, who knew that one had to act decisively, without regret. He was Paramahansa Yogananda, who brought his knowledge to America. He is my son, who, born in America, which symbolises all that is good and bad with the world, yet with all the karma he brings with him, is yet a symbol for us again, already recognised as Arjuna, reborn.
Friday, July 03, 2009
Michael Jackson, the Drowning Man
I was having these compelling visions and one of the things I saw related to Michael Jackson. I told my singer friend it was very important that I meet Michael, because I saw a great sadness ahead for him,and felt I could help. He could have introduced me, but didn't (There's another, similar, story about Sylvester Stallone whose son I could have helped, but never mind)
There is a spiritual exercise I teach my students. Do you help a drowning man? As a healer, of course you want to. But if, in trying to help him, you know you might die as well? This is a question I have had to address myself, and there is no correct answer, but the one you work out for yourself. My answer is one of helping, but only within your limits, and that has been a lesson for me. But the real answer is whether the other person is willing, or able, to change, without which all the healing in the world will come to nothing.
We must all ask if it is possible to change ourselves? I believe we can, just as the world can change itself, because otherwise there is a price we must pay. I will cover that in my next article.
But the drowning man? The one who couldn't change his course? I can only appreciate his enormous talent, with which he brought so much beauty into the world. I can also acknowledge, without emphasising, the allegations made against him. He was a child who had been abused, and this helps my understanding of him. I have never discussed this openly, but I was molested as a child.
What matters, then, is not what happened in the past but what we can add to the future, and if in order to do this we must change, then yes we must, and yes we can.