Saturday, December 31, 2016

Acts Of Kindness

It was a rough year
As we come to the last day of a very rough year, here's a very special message. I picked up a book at the library today, and there was a book..
Its title: Lucknow Ransom, Glen Peters, Parthian, Cardigan, 2013
An Anglo-Indian woman leaving her past behind enters a 2nd class railway carriage in Calcutta with her son. There she meets a Hijra prostitute called Lakshmi, from the Hindu goddess of good fortune. She treats her with kindness, and is helped in turn as they get involved in a scandal.
Hijras are a 4000 year old transgender community of men who transition to women in India and Pakistan, who despite prejudice, have been granted the right to be considered a third sex for identification purposes. It is considered good luck to have them dance at Indian weddings, bad to mistreat them.
Background to the Hijras:
This was an interesting connection to when I last visited Pakistan in 1995,
Mother Mary Comes To Me.  I took a train from Karachi to Lahore and that was a 2nd class carriage too :) Even though I had a reserved berth people came on anyway and crammed the seats. A party of Hijras came aboard. People refused to let them sit beside, because, prejudice.
I asked them to sit with me, which they accepted gladly. "Aren't we all the Children of Adam?" they asked the shamefaced passengers. Then they shared their food with me (again, people don't like to eat from the same container as a Hijra, but what do I know?)
This reminder today, for a project I'd been working on: a fictional crime series set in Pakistan. To tell the story of a police investigator as he progresses through the turmoil of post independence Pakistan. Not a new idea, to set crime stories in other cultures, other historical periods (I've been reading Magdalen Nabb's Marshal Guarnaccia series and Qiu Xiaolong's Chief Inspector Chen Cao of the Shanghai Police Department series, enjoyed tremendously but then, I read a lot).
It's in the telling of a story, and the building of a character. An investigator who works the seamy side of Lahore's criminal underworld and, copyright, its title is The Punjab Minister's Wife. To be followed by, By Sea to Karachi, The Malir Ghost and The Haunting of the American Embassy. Like me, he loves Sufi and Indo-Persian poetry.
But the message from the past, and, for the future as the world wonders what will 2017 be like?
Be known for your acts of kindness.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Psycho-Astrology Analysis: The Trump Presidency



It was predictable  
December 19, 2016: the Electoral College cast their votes to confirm Donald Trump as the president elect of the United States. It was a surprise to many, not I. I'd already predicted the outcome.
(See my previous article What just happened?)
Predictions: A conference of astrologers predicted that Hillary Clinton would win this year. They were wrong: Astrologers predict a Hillary Clinton victory is in the stars
Earlier, a Vedic Astrologer: 2016 Presidential Election Astrology
And, on Election Day (when opinion polls traditionally should NOT be published because it might impact the democratic process, but, Free Speech.

Astrologer Predicts HILLARY CLINTON Will Become President Today, Nov. 8, 2016

He used planetary transits (the movement of planets over a chart) for his prediction, even though transits only show possibilities. Worse, he ignored transits that suggested a Trump win.

Political zeitgeist: Anyone who follows politics should have known that would happen, yet the pundits missed it. People wanted a change from the Democrat vs. Republican duopoly that they were sick and tired of, they wanted real change! It's possible the pundits and the astrologers got influenced by fear of a Trump Presidency, then Cognitive Dissonance kicked in.

R.W. Johnson wrote in the London Review of Books, 14 November 2016: Trump: Some numbers that Trump won because of the loss of jobs and lack of upward mobility for the middle class. But really, the reasons go much deeper. 

Astrology works well as a psycho-analytical tool to understand a person. Horoscope charts are maps of a person, place, or nation's karma. Understanding that, and the planetary cycles that underlie all events, certain things might become predictable. Personal decisions and outcomes, the stock market, natural disasters, elections..

I hoped Bernie Sanders would win the Democratic Party. Yet I said April 17, 2016: "I don't know he'll get the nomination. I do know #Hillary will never be president". How did I know that so clearly? Astrology doesn't give you certainties, only statistical probability. Maybe you need to be able to scan the intersection of time, place, perspective, and multiple universes to get an idea, hence, #psychism, hence, #prophecy. What I've written since 1977.

So I want to write not just why Donald Trump won, and Hillary Clinton lost, but since Donald Trump will be the next president, what his presidency will be like, and what next for the United States of America?

Sources and analytical procedures: I looked at these horoscopes, Hillary Clinton (not shown) and Donald Trump's birth charts to analyze them and their future trends, the Election Day horoscope to see the outcome, the inauguration chart for 12:00 PM January 20, 2017 to see how the winner's presidency would proceed for the next 4 years, then compared it all to the US horoscope to see underlying trends and possibly, which party would win the next term.

If there was one astrological significator that informed me, it was the Pluto-Uranus squares that began with the ingress of Uranus in Aries in June 2010 and will oddly, continue till November 2024 when Pluto finally leaves Capricorn.

These planets represent the two forces which have impacted us more than any other since 2010: the irresistible force for change (Uranus) in conflict with the immoveable resistance to change (Pluto). It has affected some of us more than others personally, as our need for a new direction hits our established patterns. It creates a need for those who feel they haven't been heard to create new populist movements and vote for those who they feel best listen to their needs. It has affected some countries more than others, but there have also been global upheavals. The Arab Spring, European nationalism, Greek resistance to IMF austerity, Brexit, Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, the resurgence of Russian power.

Oddly, as Obama's promise of hope and change went no where in his first two years of office, Republicans won and took over the house in 2010. Yet with Trump, how did 'populism' win in the end? Because Trump reached ordinary Americans, Hillary Clinton did not. Even the popular vote margin is skewed by figures from just CA and NY when you need to win a majority of electors from 50 states to win the presidency. Trump's reach was broader, in a way Clinton's was not, and, he spoke to them, she did not. One can now only wonder if Sanders had won the nomination, but I was sure. He could have won the presidency, because he, too reached Americans but was the better candidate.

Clinton v. Trump: The following is a quick snapshot of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump's psyche and how they were affected during the election cycle.

Hillary Clinton's 4 planets at birth (inc. Chiron) in the 12th house indicates she's a person defined by hidden motivations and secrets who nevertheless has a strong base of support from women (trine moon in the 4th), but, since the 12th house planets are square to Mars, Pluto and Saturn in the 9th (publishing, law, foreign affairs, philosophy) those secrets will always out, as the long list of scandals from Whitewater to WikiLeaks indicate. Mars, Pluto and Saturn in the 9th are also reflected in her hawkish foreign policy, which are based on power with no moral underpinnings. A lawyer who would always flout laws.

Transiting (T) planet Saturn (outcomes, restriction) impacting all her 12th house Scorpio planets opposite 6th shows health issues becoming a concern during the election, also questions about trustworthiness and dirty tricks. T-Neptune opposite the MC (profession) T-Jupiter joining Neptune in the 11th showed she was in a bubble nurtured by her friends and associates she would win. As it is, T-Sun and Mercury trine moon in 4th does show her popular vote margin, but the presidency just wasn't indicated in any aspect I could find, unlike Donald Trump's. As I wrote before,

Donald Trump, with his birth Uranus joined with Sun in the 10th house, was a man destined to suddenly, shockingly, become President. With the star Regulus on his Leo ascendant, it made him the likely winner this cycle. Regulus is a significator of kingship; whether he will rule wisely or not will be up to him.

Re: his psyche it's the fact he was born during a full moon that best defines him. Sun in his 10th house (his father, public standing) opposite 4th house moon (home, relationship with his mother, women) shows many of his reported behaviors are in fact based on suppressed pain. Saturn in 11th square Jupiter 2nd shows a need for emotional validation from the few people in his inner circle. More than anything else, he prizes loyalty. It also shows he measures himself through financial success and admires those who are "successful". However, Mercury square Jupiter in the 2nd also shows his verbal exaggerations in the past. Maybe the office will change him, I hope. Sun trine Jupiter shows he can be surprisingly generous as well and this is a likeable side that helped people connect with him.

T-Saturn entered America's 1st house this October. Saturn, a conservative planet, was almost a guarantee that Republicans would win in 2016 and I am surprised so few saw that. Mercury joining the IC showed a change of residence for Trump (the White House). T-Saturn in the 1st house of America's chart (expression) squaring T-Neptune in the 3rd (communication) shows an intolerance of religious minorities (specifically, Islam) which sadly made it into his speeches. On the one hand his sun sign Gemini can be quite tolerant, even spiritual, on the other his birth Mercury square Neptune shows a suspicion of spirituality; he's a self-made man and focuses on the material. Never mind, that may be the vacuum we will fill in the next years.

The Inauguration chart: this chart, for 12:00 noon on January 20, 2017 in Washington D.C., is a map of the energies of the day. Matching it to Donald Trump, and America's chart, indicates the direction of his presidency, with suggestions for what will work for him and the country, and what will not:

- A deeply divided nation: Uranus in the 12th, opposite Jupiter 6th, square Pluto 9th. Impacting America's Sun and Mercury from the 2nd and 4th, via the 7th-8th house. Secret efforts to undermine the presidency. A foreign crisis that might lead to war, though the immediate outcome might be a trade war?  Which he must avoid at all costs, no matter the pressures. Pluto in the 9th means the rest of world will unite against America, and what good does that do? The 9th house also indicates philosophy, and law. But that relates to my personal view; a unification on a spiritual, international level world wide.

- President Trump's first hundred days: It isn't about the man, but the country. (America's horoscope on inauguration day). Pluto will go into the 2nd house, opp 8th house cusp. He will need to get good, not self-serving advice, reach all segments of society and cooperate with allies. Uranus in the 4th indicates domestic upheaval and that he must work on the economy (2nd house). Interestingly, the 8th house also represents taxation (and death, but we won't go there). My studies in economics show tax cuts don't help but if that's the route he takes, fine. ETA: but I think the American economy will improve, or I wouldn't feel he'll win a second term.

- What next for Donald Trump?: Saturn, the planet of karmic outcomes, will join his 4th house Moon in January. Health issues might rise. He won the greatest battle of his life, but what of his emotional foundation. Maybe he wasn't sure he'd win, but now he has, what next? It won't be easy. America's karma is greater than his. I hope he learns and the office changes him. I do care for the country and its people, and deeply disliked cheap characterizations of his supporters as racists and sexists. He may have played to some segments to get elected, but I hope he will display his magnanimous and tolerant side.

- A warning: Watch out for foreign entanglements. Stick to domestic concerns. Republicans work best as small c-conservatives. Reform Wall Street and the Fed, improve infrastructure, help the working class, sure. Don't let American foreign policy be about policing the carbon based economy, imposing sanctions on Iran, and neutralizing China. That won't work. Remember American business and industry was the best in the world, but as policemen, you failed.

What next, America?

The Democrats having imploded so spectacularly, and progressives (Bernie Sanders was a viable candidate, Dr. Jill Stein not) unable to appeal to Independent and young voters (who all seem to have stayed home) it looks like the Republicans will carry Congress and the White House for another 8 years. Certainly, 2020 is a more favourable environment, business wise which again favors the GOP. As I said earlier, not until the Uranus Pluto square works itself out at the subsequent election in November, 2024 will there be some balance. Until then, there will be constant tension.

What can we do? Build material foundations, develop your creativity, find the balance within yourself. Art, music, spirituality, an international movement of quiet, peaceful resistance will accomplish more. We aren't Americans or Canadians or Russians, we are people of the world.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Fiery Message

Gatlinburg, U.S., November 2016

Haifa, Israel, November 2016

Israel Wildfires: 50,000 Evacuated As Bushfires Hit Haifa

On November 22, 2016, a wave of wildfires spread across Israel and areas of Palestine. Cutting off the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway then spreading to Haifa, Israel's largest city, 77 buildings were destroyed, 1600 people made homeless, and 75,000 had to eventually be evacuated. Thankfully no one was killed.

Analyzing the fire that burned into Gatlinburg

On November 23rd, 2016, a wildfire that started in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park spread into the Gatlinburg, Tennessee  area, causing the deaths of 14 people. 1,684 structures were damaged or destroyed. 14,000 residents were forced to evacuate.

In Israel, the fire were blamed on terrorists. In the U.S., kids playing with matches. However, in both cases they were exacerbated by severe drought conditions and high winds.

Maybe, a coincidence. Whatever the political and environmental reasons, I see both occurrences, as always, through spiritual lenses. And fires are signs of a burning down of things to create new life; my symbol the Phoenix.

Prophecy is like a quiet whisper. Not every one hears it, but here: Battle for the Soul of the Jewish People and here: Whither goest thou, Israel?

Regarding the U.S.: America, the Spiritual and, The Horoscope of the United States of America

But, these are just words. What I remember most are the wonderful people I met, the places I went, the futures I saw. Next, I will write about future yet to come.

Still, A Spiritual Journey to the U.S.
The 4th of July 1994 found us in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We celebrated with the holiday crowds, then walked home. There was music, a laser light show, and Arune danced in the street with us. Driving to New York along the Blue Ridge Mountain Highway I looked up on impulse and there was a White Eagle in a tree, looking at us.
These fires have reminded me, with longing, how I was there for the Malibu fires, the Los Angeles earthquake,  for the healing that I did. While we were there, the first white buffalo in a long while appeared in the U.S. and it is this, and the recent Water Protectors actions in North Dakota, that have me looking once again at the U.S. I would love to be, as I had so many journeys before. But..

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Water is life

I am the sailor who sails the sea
Water, the healer
The energy of Water
As I write this, peaceful protestors, the “water protectors” of the Sioux nation and supporters from across North America are being attacked with water cannons, CS gas, concussion grenades and “rubber” bullets in Morton County, North Dakota. The local sheriff says they’re trespassing and set off fires. The protectors say they’re protesting the violation of their treaty rights by the Dakota Access Pipeline company which wants to build an oil pipeline across their land. Their slogan, “Water is life”, echoes their concerns about the safety record of the pipeline companies and how a breach can endanger the water supply of 19 million people.
The water cannons, in below freezing temperatures, are causing many cases of hypothermia. The people say they started fires to warm themselves. The police say they were “acting in a threatening manner”, yet it is they who’ve set police dogs and attacked them several times over the last months.
A woman from New York had her arm almost completely severed by a "concussion grenade". She’s in hospital undergoing surgery, and may lose it.
In the meantime, President Obama, who met with Indigenous peoples in 2014 and promised to help them, is at a ceremony in Washington awarding the nation’s highest civilian honor, The Medal Of Freedom, to celebrities like Michael Jordan, Diana Ross and Ellen DeGeneres while ignoring pleas for intervention.
The pipeline, supported by Bank of America, HSBC, UBS, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo will go on.
This reminds me of a story I wrote on January 13, 2011, The Water of Life
When we left Atlan, we looked back one last time at our home. The Blue Planet, so called because it was covered mostly by water. And we flew here to Earth; once again, to a new, blue, planet. 
And when we fled the destruction of Atlantis, we were the sailors who sailed the sea, till we found new homes in other, distant lands. 
When I do my healing I see, once again, our relationship with water. The energies I pick up and cleanse myself with afterwards, are, water. (Fire and Earth and Air and Spirit too, but that is another article on the natural forces, or energies). 
I was reminded recently of how out of balance we are, with water. The number of people who are ill with emotional illness and pain, are out of balance with water. (Cancer is an emotional illness as well, but here I’m only dealing with the energy of water, and our relationship with it). 
If you search for Masaru Emoto’s images of water, you will see the beauty within it. His crystalline pictures are stunning. 
Our connection with the Psychic, or emotional chakras is thrown out of balance and only by exploring those energies can we start our own healing. But I want to speak about water. 
It is no coincidence that Australia and Germany had catastrophic floods recently. The Earth itself is out of balance and has lost its ability to nourish us, but must heal itself.  
Hence, the changes in weather and other disasters in the making. This time last year we had the earthquake in Haiti. The year before that the War against Gaza, another imbalance which is a result of the imbalance within us. 
And then again, the floods in England just after we arrived in 2007. The vision of the Asian Tsunami I had ten years before it actually happened. The visions of more, to come
The earth, like us, consists of water. The weather that affects our food supply depends on the oceans, our climate on the balance between warm and cold ocean currents, and human life, on a safe supply of water to drink. Yet we continue, in our blindness and greed, to exploit and pollute it in a manner that can only be called insane. If there’s one last pristine source of water left, we will want to exploit it for a mining company, or oil sand processing facility, or Coca Cola.  
And we add a known neuro-toxin like Fluoride to our drinking water and pay a ridiculous premium for bottled water. And, after vaccinations, the primary cause of cancer in society is the pollutants we pump into our air and water. As I said, insane. 
But you already know all that. You just don’t know how to fix that. 
There is a river that flows across the Universe. When it hits this planet it will sweep us all away. Don’t fight it, just ride it like a surfer riding a wave. 
Ps: As I write this in June 2011, radioactive waste from the Fukushima nuclear meltdown continues to pour into the Pacific Ocean. This may turn out to be one of the greatest environmental disasters, ever. What will it take to get people to wake up and heal the planet?
 This is why, Trump. Why I said if this is what you need to wake up, so be it. And why I said, the healing begins in 2017. Because you will need to protect the planet. And it starts with water.

Water is life.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

What just happened?

I said he'd win.
Donald Trump has just won the presidency of the United States. I said he'd win (that didn't require prophetic ability-though that too :)

Still made a point of recording it, just in case.

Hillary will never Apr 17, 2016  



What's happened is an old fashioned voters revolt. And if the privileged elite were too dumb to see it coming, then, karma. Obama took the trust given to him and betrayed the working class, and Hillary was so vile she made Donald Trump look, the better choice.
It is boring to say I told you so, but:
 Donald Trump can win the presidency In head to head polls, Americans have made it clear: in an election between Clinton and Trump, Donald Trump will win. On the other hand, the Democrats would most likely win both the presidency and Congress if Bernie Sanders were the nominee.
July 01, 2016:  The corruption of the American Political Process
What matters is that neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton are fit for public office, for reasons listed elsewhere. They are essentially, corrupt, running for office in a corrupted process; already compromised and easily blackmailable by those who care not for the poor and oppressed.
July 25, 2016: Don't give up
Pity America. They might well have a president Trump next year, as the polls show Trump leading Hillary. (But being beaten by Sanders).
And when I saw the millions of battered refugees stumbling across Europe, and abuse directed at them, something..snapped. America no longer has the 'mandate of heaven' to lead the world, and, if chaos be needed, there will be chaos.

It is no longer an American thing. It is a global thing. I've written what you can do to bring about change.

Monday, November 07, 2016

Ravens Return

"When people become spiritual again, the White Ravens will return" ~

I was reminded of the lines from Yeats The Death of Cuchulain

“There floats out there
The shape that I shall take when I am dead,
My soul's first shape, a soft feathery shape...”

which pertains to what John Kercher called the White Feather phenomenon in his book Meredith (Hodder, London 2013)

He writes that when he was at his lowest in despair a white feather appeared magically at his feet. Many of Meredith Kercher's friends also had similar visitations, which he believes was his daughter reaching out to comfort him from beyond the grave.

But this post is really about spiritual journey. In the native traditions, the appearance of white animals, especially White Ravens, denote a time when humanity will become more spiritual.

In my Spiritual Journey to the U.S.  I wrote how we saw a White Eagle driving through the Appalachian Mountains, then our son Raven was born in New York,  and my hopes for the American people. While we were there, a White Buffalo was born in Wisconsin, many more since then. That there were many delays and changes since then. What of it? People started to wake up.

There was a time when darkness covered the earth;
the sun had been stolen.
After much searching, Raven found the sun.
With the sun in Raven’s bill, Raven began the long
 journey to return the sun turning white during the
 trip due to the brightness of the sun.


And when people supported Bernie Sanders in his run for the presidential nomination a bird magically appeared.

And when people went to Standing Rock to protest an oil sands pipeline, protect the water and heal the earth a herd of buffalo magically appeared..

Tomorrow, there will be an election, and it doesn't matter who will win, since the solutions will come from us, not them.

It has been prophesied the forces of resistance to change would get stronger, but so, too, those who would bring change.

As I wrote, only those who were teachers and healers would be able to change this world that has been created. Ravens, are beings of knowledge and creation, they are wise and helpful to all; this the message from White Raven.

But going back to Yeats plays, he also refers to Morrigu, the war goddess who gathers the souls of the great warriors and appears in the form of a black raven. Cuchulain says

Her black wing touched me
And all is intelligible..

And as Cuchulain takes on the bird form of the dead heroes,

"There floats out there
The shape that I shall take when I am dead,
My soul's first shape, a soft feathery shape...

And is it not a strange shape for the soul
Of a great fighting man?"

There will be wars and warriors, and the brave men and women who fight to change the future, will be my comrades, and, all will be intelligible...

Friday, October 28, 2016

A Remembrance Of Pier Paolo Pasolini

Just a gentle reminder how dangerous Italy can be, and how often, justice gets swept under the rug for political reasons.

Controversial Italian film director Pier Paolo Pasolini was a poet and public intellectual who hated the direction Italy was taking. He died November 02, 1975 under mysterious circumstances which still are subject to considerable debate.

As we come up to the anniversary of Pasolini's death, it helps to get background.

Supposedly killed by a single killer, a homosexual prostitute, many in Italy believe it was the state that killed him. A 2014 movie Pasolini by director Abel Ferrara starring Willem Dafoe was denied the Golden Lion at Venice's Biennale as Italy found the subject matter, too hot to handle.

Who really killed Pier Paolo Pasolini?

Ed Vulliamy, The Guardian August 24, 2014
Who really killed Pier Paolo Pasolini?
Ferrara says: "I know who killed Pasolini," but will not give a name...Pelosi was convicted in 1976, with "unknown others". Forensic examination by Dr Faustino Durante concluded that "Pasolini was the victim of an attack carried out by more than one person". 
On appeal, however, the "others" were written out of the verdict.
Pasolini's view of a new totalitarianism whereby hyper-materialism was destroying the culture of Italy can be seen now as brilliant foresight into what has happened to the world generally in an internet age. But his critique had been, for months before the murder, more specific. He had singled out television as an especially pernicious influence, predicting the rise and power of a type such as media-mogul-turned-prime minister Silvio Berlusconi long before time.

More specific still, he had written a series of columns for Corriere della Sera denouncing the leadership of the ruling Christian Democratic party as riddled with Mafia influence, predicting the so-called Tangentopoli – "kickback city" – scandals 15 years later, whereby an entire political class was put under arrest during the early 1990s. In his columns, Pasolini declared that the Christian Democratic leadership should stand trial, not only for corruption but association with neo-fascist terrorism, such as the bombing of trains and a demonstration in Milan...
 Again, a spine-chilling vindication: these were the so-called "years of lead" in Italy, culminating in the bombing of Bologna station five years after Pasolini's death by neo-fascists working with the secret services, killing 82 people...
So it was that, in the wake of the murder in 1975, those close to Pasolini saw the hand of power behind his killing. It would not have been a first: prominent leftists were often attacked or killed; feminist Franca Rame, who would marry the anarchist playwright Dario Fo, was gang-raped by neo-fascists, urged by the Carabinieri... 
Then, in 2005, the floodgates opened. Pelosi, interviewed on television, retracted his confession, saying that two brothers and another man had killed Pasolini, calling him a "queer" and "dirty communist" as they beat him to death. They frequented, he said, the Tiburtina branch of the MSI neo-fascist party. Three years later, Pelosi gave further names in an essay called "Deep Black", released by the radical publisher Chiarelettere, revealing connections to even more extreme fascist cells tied to the state secret services, saying he had not previously dared to speak, after threats to his family. 
One of Pasolini's closest friends, assistant director Sergio Citti, then came to the fore to say that his own investigations had produced evidence entirely overlooked: bloodied pieces of the stick dumped close to the football pitch, and a witness ignored by the official investigation who had seen five men drag Pasolini from the car...


Coincidentally, Pasolini's anniversary also falls on the day UK student Meredith Kercher's body was found in Perugia, November 02, 2007. The twists and turns of her murder case have in many ways also revealed the workings of the Italian deep state, and the unexpected outcome, where even though the courts ruled she had been killed in conjunction with others, only we are now left with a sole killer, like Pasolini, heightens the mystery..

It appears that certain powers in Italy, would not like the Knox/Sollecito case reopened. We have seen that already in the Monster of Florence murder investigations as well. In a country where neither prime ministers, nor judges, nor journalists, nor private citizens, are safe, people must indeed tread very lightly. They must keep silent and accept things the way they are since it's "over".

Kudos, then, to those who would not be cowed.

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Flowers Change Spring


Flowers Change Spring~
One cannot change world 
Thought uninvited  dreams
Flowers change in spring.

Million butterflies 
Create breeze sweep across sky 
A plane, flying by

It is the sunset
Of our shared humanity 
Or dawn, flowers change spring
~Naseer Ahmad

Monday, August 29, 2016

The Tao Of Trees

Our lives are like trees     

We ebb and flow day and night                        

Blowing with the breeze.


Be a growing tree

Reaching the brilliant sky

Because we are, try.

Sunlight shining down
Tree Of Life sustaining us
We are heaven, ground.
#Haiku #Tao

Monday, July 25, 2016

Don't Give Up

Good Times Ahead
A message to Bernie Sanders as the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia opens. Don't Give Up. You Have Friends. (From the Peter Gabriel/Kate Bush song)

A bird landed on Bernie Sanders platform then flew up to the podium in front of him March 25, 2016, in Portland Oregon. It was Good Friday, a nice message. It was a Finch. 
"When finches come into our awareness it is a sure sign of ebullient times ahead. Finches are a sparkly omen of high energy and bright days on the horizon. Also, happiness and enjoying the journey."
I know I have certainly enjoyed the journey with Bernie Sanders. I do not know if he will concede or fight to win the remaining superdelegates to his side and win the nomination, but the signs favour him (see below).

Finch Animal Totem Symbolism & Meanings
"The vibrant little finch animal totem is unafraid to express what makes its heart sing. It is an outwardly jovial and upbeat bird with many lessons to teach us. We often find ourselves overwhelmed by negativity in our lives and thus find it difficult to be truly and simply happy. This is where the finch comes in as the dutiful master does for its student. The Finches as bird totems remind us of the important attributes of joy, appreciation, high energy, positivity and optimism, and simplicity.  
They also implore us to be mindful of the Earth’s resources, careful and responsible with our diets, and to add some variety to the mundaneness of daily life. Life is a journey, and we should enjoy all the milestones along the way instead of solely focusing on the end results".
A very spiritual lesson we should all emulate, as those who voted for him lose heart after having supported him for so long, and now, despite all the scandals that have erupted around Hillary Clinton, she might secure the nomination. And yes, they ARE disappointed he's appeared to have endorsed her saying Donald Trump's more of a threat. They don't buy the "lesser evil" argument.

Perhaps he's being a pragmatic Virgo :) but here's what astrologers have been saying about him:
(This article written Feb. 2016 says his success so far was not surprising given his planetary placements).
Astrologer Pat Paquette: Most major media outlets continue to predict that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination, but Sanders has changed the race, and likely the political landscape, for years to come.The pundits may be falling all over themselves trying to explain why they didn’t see this coming, but for astrologers, the charts tell the story."
I dislike predicting outcomes since they should depend on choices and while I will inform, don't want to influence. I did also write down something a while back but that really is all about potential.

There might well be a surprise when the roll call of Democratic delegates is read out. Or he will continue a political revolution from within the Democratic Party. Pity if he does not end up being nominated, but that will be up to the Democrats and the so-called superdelegates.. They have a knack of shooting themselves in the foot, as selecting the most divisive and least trusted candidate in political history, Hillary Clinton, will prove come election day on November 08, 2016.

Pity America. They might well have a president Trump next year, as the polls show Trump leading Hillary. (But being beaten by Sanders).

Yet I have looked at Bernie's future, and I say this: Don't Give Up.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Vaccination~The Greatest Harm

First, do no harm
I was born in the last generation before vaccines became widespread (and compulsory). I only received the Polio vaccine at 3, Rabies and Smallpox at 8, Tetanus at 12. Compared to the dozens of immunizations now given to children from birth to age 18, and more proven unsafe ones being pushed on them and adults, I was fortunate.

I've been a Toronto school volunteer for 30 years. A teacher's comment stuck with me: "children are becoming harder and harder to teach", something I could see myself with each generation. Some parents blamed declining standards on "immigrant children" though I usually saw the reverse, actually.

And, more and more children are being born with life threatening allergies and chronic illness. Increased learning disorders and mental disabilities, often leading to anti-social behaviours and criminality.
I've argued for some time about the increase in criminal behaviours and The Criminal Mind. In that post, and another article Neurobiological basis of psychopathy (R. JAMES R. Blair

The mainstream refuses to accept this too, though perhaps the obvious declining intelligence in populations in the Western world, is perceived as a 'dumbed down population'?.

In my opinion this is due to the heavy vaccination schedule affecting the developing brains of young people.

As a physician and researcher, I have seen literally thousands of children, not just in my field of mental health and autism, but also, with juvenile cancers, diabetes, arthritis and life threatening allergies, the numbers increasing exponentially every ten years in far greater numbers than can be explained by any presently accepted causal factor. I have discussed this at medical conferences with colleagues from all around the world. Many of us decided to keep our research away from the mainstream and disseminate it through the alternative health movement.

Why? Case in point, Dr. Andrew Wakefield M.D. of the U.K.,
How One Doctor's Career Was Destroyed For Telling The Truth  who found a causal link between the MMR vaccine and bowel disease that affects almost every child with Autism. "Dr. Wakefield, and one of the co-authors of the retracted article, Prof. John Walker-Smith, were barred from practicing medicine by the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council regulatory board". "Dr. Andrew’s co-author in the study,  Prof. John Walker-Smith, fought an expensive legal battle against the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council and won. He was completely exonerated."
My method has always been to provide this information freely to parents and ask them to make informed decisions for the health of their children. It is their ultimate responsibility, and not, doctors.

I say again, vaccinations pose the greatest harm to the survival of humanity. Not war, nor capitalism, nor environmental pollution, nor the poisoning of our food and water resources, though those too are horrible. It is the widespread and indiscriminate use of mandatory vaccinations damaging the human genome that will affect our survival as a species. Humanity, Devolving, indeed.

The purpose of this paper, to be presented in three parts, is to explain the mechanism by which vaccinations harm our health, ultimately leading to permanent damage to humanity's gene pool, the fascist elements behind mandatory vaccines and the centuries long history of resistance to them, and, offer a protocol for Natural Immunization against disease.
Vaccination and Brain Inflammation
 The above article explains the process by which vaccines lead to Alzheimer's, Depression and Parkinson's, the major illnesses that affect western society. It also shows how added mercury and aluminum, exposure to pesticides and MSG affect the Glutamate receptors in the brain. Regular flu shots also speed up brain ageing and illness.
 "A great number of studies have shown that when you vaccinate an animal, the body‘s inflammatory cytokines not only increase dramatically, but so do the brain‘s inflammatory chemicals" (ibid).
"Because the elderly already have high levels of inflammatory cytokines, they are at a special risk. The very young (babies and small children) are at a high risk because their brains are undergoing the most rapid development at the very time they receive the greatest number of vaccinations -- the first two years of life. In fact, they receive 22 vaccines during the first year of life, one of which contains a full pediatric dose of mercury. Like adults, they receive many inoculations (up to 9 inoculations) in one office visit." (ibid).
A Polish study further confirms this:
Neurologic adverse events following vaccination
Prog Health Sci 2012, Vol 2 , No1 Neurologic adverse events vaccination 129
Sienkiewicz D.*, Kułak W., Okurowska-Zawada B., Paszko-Patej G.
Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation of the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
"The present review summarizes data on neurological adverse events following vaccination in the relation to intensity, time of onset, taking into account the immunological and non-immunological mechanisms. The authors described the physiological development of the immune system and the possible immune system responses following vaccination. Toxic property of thimerosal - a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines was presented. The neurological complications after vaccination were described. The role of vaccination in the natural course of infectious diseases and the current immunizations schedule in Poland was discussed."
And another:
Vaccines and Neurological Damage
" Unvaccinated children walk sooner, talk sooner, and have a high degree of manual dexterity at an earlier age. Their minds are not assaulted by the neurotoxins that most "normal" children receive. Vaccinations cause the brain to swell and that is encephalitis", regardless of diagnosis. During the period after vaccines are given children often lose their soft spot in their cranium, as the swelling increases. Why would one's brain swell after vaccines were given? The four points of infection are pain (dolor), redness (color), fever (rubor) and swelling (tumor). Infections of the brain might produce these same points too."
There are a number of studies confirming the Autism epidemic.
The Vaccine Autism Link
"Age of Autism embraces the belief expressed by the great Bernie Rimland that “the autism epidemic is real, and excessive vaccinations are the cause.” This carefully calibrated statement reflects several of our core beliefs:
The autism epidemic is real. This fundamental truth has been established time and again, completely independent of any concern about vaccination as the cause. Yet there are epidemic deniers in medicine and the media who keep claiming otherwise. This pernicious nonsense detracts from the effort to find out why there has been a twenty-fold increase in the past two decades. Since the rise in autism is real, the cause can only be environmental, and finding that cause becomes the clear priority for all honest research."
CDC Covered Up MMR Vaccine Link to Autism in African American Boys
"A top research scientist (Dr. William Thompson) working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) played a key role in helping Dr. Brian Hooker of the Focus Autism Foundation uncover data manipulation by the CDC that obscured a higher incidence of autism in African-American boys. The whistleblower came to the attention of Hooker, a PhD in biochemical engineering, after he had made a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for original data on the DeStefano et al MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and autism study.
 Dr. Hooker’s study, published August 8 in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Translational Neurodegeneration, shows that African-American boys receiving their first MMR vaccine before 36 months of age are 3.4 times more likely to develop autism vs. after 36 months."
“The CDC knew about the relationship between the age of first MMR vaccine and autism incidence in African-American boys as early as 2003, but chose to cover it up.”
 "The whistleblower confirmed this."

"We’ve missed ten years of research because the CDC is so paralyzed right now by anything related to autism. They’re not doing what they should be doing because they’re afraid to look for things that might be associated.” The whistleblower alleges criminal wrongdoing of his supervisors, and he expressed deep regret about his role in helping the CDC hide data."
Secret documents prove vaccines cause autism
 "A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed in the UK has forced the Department of Health to release confidential documents outlining the details of MMR's initial approval back in the 1980s. These documents reveal that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the manufacturer of the MMR vaccine Pluserix, knew that there were problems with the vaccine causing a high rate of adverse events in children. Among these were encephalitis and other conditions associated with autism.

Concerned that the British government was withholding information about MMR's dangers from the public, the FOIA request was filed in response to the growing number of vaccinated children who were coming down with debilitating gut problems, brain damage and other symptoms believed to be associated with MMR. As it turns out, these suspicions are now validated."
Vaccines "may" cause Autism?
CDC: “Possibility” That Vaccines "Rarely" Trigger Autism
“I guess, that, that is a possibility,” said DeStefano. “It’s hard to predict who those children might be, but certainly, individual cases can be studied to look at those possibilities.”
"Hannah Poling was considered normal, happy and precocious until 19 months of age when she was vaccinated against nine diseases in one doctor’s visit: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae. Afterward, she developed high fevers, had screaming fits, stopped eating, didn’t respond when spoken to and began showing signs of autism."
In a court-submitted opinion, neurologist Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, Director of Medical Research at the Kennedy Krieger Institute, stated that he had “personally witnessed [Hannah’s] developmental regression” following “vaccine-induced fever and immune stimulation.”  
"Zimmerman concluded that Hannah was vulnerable to vaccine injury because she had a metabolic disorder called mitochondrial dysfunction. While vaccines are safe for most children, in Hannah, they triggered a brain injury, according to Zimmerman."
Yes, vaccines may trigger autism in pre-existing mitochondrial dysfunction, but that is already widespread in the population because of genetic damage. (Note: mitochondrial dysfunction is a factor in our leading diseases Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s).
Autism And Mitochondrial Disease
Neurodegeneration in primary mitochondrial disease patients is frequently precipitated by infection, postulated to be mediated by metabolic decompensation and cytokine toxicity. More recently, autistic regression with resulting ASD in children who were thought to be previously normal has been reported following fever associated with infection or immunizations. Some of these children are subsequently recognized to have primary mitochondrial disease—‘‘Mitochondrial Autism,a term suggested by Weissman et al. [2008].
"Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as defined by the revised Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM IVTR criteria (American Psychiatric Association [2000] Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing) as impairment before the age of 3 in language development and socialization with the development of repetitive behaviors, appears to be increased in incidence and prevalence. Similarly, mitochondrial disorders are increasingly recognized. Although overlap between these disorders is to be expected, accumulating clinical, genetic, and biochemical evidence suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction in ASD is more commonly seen than expected. Some patients with ASD phenotypes clearly have genetic-based primary mitochondrial disease. This review will examine the data linking autism and mitochondria. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Dev Disabil Res Rev 2010;16:144–153."
Patterns of Vaccine-Induced Disease
"There are all sorts of research showing that vaccines can, and do, cause or contribute to disease—either the disease the vaccine is supposed to protect against, or other diseases."
Vaccinating children against chickenpox can increase the risk of adult shingles.
"Of the children who contracted chickenpox in an outbreak in Maryland in 2001, 75 percent of the affected had been vaccinated against the disease."
"In 2007, it became clear that the use of the vaccine Prevnar, used against pneumonia, meningitis, and deadly bloodstream infections in young children, has unleashed a superbug that is resistant to all currently available drugs."
"Certain vaccines have also been linked to a rise in type 1 diabetes in a number of studies. One such study, published in 2003 to further investigate this connection concluded that clusters of cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) may be linked to six different vaccines: the haemophilus influenza B (HIB), pertussis, MMR, and BCG vaccine."
"The main "active" ingredient in a vaccine is either killed bacteria or live viruses that have been attenuated (weakened). However, that's by no means the sole ingredient in vaccines. All vaccines also contain a variety of chemicals; some of which are more toxic than others." 
"Most seasonal flu vaccines, for example, contain 25 mcg of mercury dangerous levels of mercury in the form of thimerosal, a vaccine preservative. Mercury is a known neurotoxin and thimerosal containing vaccines have been associated with long-term immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions. (Aluminum is another neurotoxin that is used in some vaccines as an adjuvant and has been associated with neurological problems such as Alzheimer's disease and dementia)." 
 Do unvaccinated kids cause illness? Rather, the opposite.

Vaccines Cause Disease Outbreak 
"If you're worried about your child contracting measles, whooping cough or one of the other scary-sounding infectious diseases being hyped up by the mainstream media right now, you might want to steer clear of recently vaccinated children rather than the unvaccinated."
"What you're not being told by the corporate media is that attenuated vaccines like MMR, the proposed solution to the contrived Disneyland measles outbreak, shed live viruses for weeks or even months following vaccination, spreading vaccine-strain infections to others."
“In some cases, vaccines can produce an enhanced cytokine response when compared with natural virus”.  
Given the huge increase in auto immune disorders like Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, life threatening allergies, Thyroid and Diabetes, here's some information:

Autoimmune Disorders Caused By Vaccines
"Autoimmune disorders—chronic diseases—have become a way of life for children and young adults, yet the cause is not being addressed. Here is clear and strong evidence that the cause is the massive number of vaccinations."
"A PLoS study has documented that, given enough vaccine injections, everyone will develop an autoimmune disorder. The study was performed on mice developed for their ability to withstand such chronic disease. It found that the immune systems of all these autoimmune disease-resistant mice become deranged by the time they’re given an eighth injection of antigens alone. That is, injection of adjuvants was not required to cause autoimmunity. Antigen injection alone was enough to cause autoimmune diseases.
Vaccine Calculator  
The FDA requires toxicity warning for products > 25 mcg aluminum, but infants are given ↳ 250 mcg ↵ in HepB and other vaccines.
Lastly, I would like to stress how numerous studies show long lasting generational illnesses are being passed on to future generations through our genetic code (DNA/RNA)

Vaccines and Genetics
Genetic Quotes
"The genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccine given to newborns and toddlers is very dangerous. According to the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), the risk of a serious reaction may be 100 times greater than the risk of the disease itself. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) produced an internal memo suggesting a "possible association between the vaccine and multiple sclerosis." AAPS calls for a moratorium on hepatitis B vaccination, pending proper clinical studies." 
"The hepatitis B vaccine, Recombivax HB, manufactured by Merck and Co., is a recombinant DNA vaccine. It is produced by cloning the hepatitis virus, and then, adding the cloned virus to a yeast-based culture. This culture, as with all vaccine cultures, contains a variety of foreign proteins originating from other viruses and bacteria. In 1971, scientists in Geneva discovered that when viral proteins are injected directly into the bloodstream, they combine with human genetic material, causing DNA to mutate. 5" 
"the DPT vaccine is estimated to cause some degree of minimal brain damage in all children, some more than others, and is ultimately the most significant vaccinal cofactor in the significant upswing of aberrant behavior in the population for the past several generations, even modifying genetic structure".
"The authors of a study published in 1980 by "Mutation Research" came to the conclusion that smallpox vaccination has a "mutagenic effect" on human chromosomes. [Neil Z. Miller's 1999 book Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective?, p. 46] "Viruses and viral vaccines are agents for the transfer of genetic imprints from one host to another. In other words, because they contain pure genetic material (DNA and RNA) from a foreign organism, once injected into a human recipient, the new genetic material is incorporated into the invaded cells." [Miller, p. 48] In the 1960s, Joshua Lederberg, Dept. of genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, said that "live viruses are ... genetic messages used for the purpose of programming human cells". Lederberg said that "we already practice biological engineering on a rather large scale by use of live viruses in mass immunization campaigns." [Miller, p.49] "No one knows the long-term effects of tampering with the genetic codes and delicate structure of the human organism."
"However, the physical invasion of the human body by foreign genetic material may have the immediate effect of permanently weakening the immune system, setting in motion a new era of autoimmune diseases. For example, research indicates that psychotic disorders may be caused by viral infections. The incidence of schizophrenia is on the rise compared to earlier times, and studies now indicate that about one-third of all cases are autoimmune in nature. Once again, some authorities implicate the childhood vaccine programs." [Miller, p. 49]".
"Viral Vaccines: Viruses themselves are non-living pieces of nucleic acid surrounded by a coat of protein. When a virus enters a cell, it makes use of cellular enzymes and duplicates itself. They can be active or assume a latent, passive infective condition within the cell, waiting for the right conditions to activate. Viruses can remain undetected and latent for years within the body, only to suddenly manifest themselves explosively. Viruses can infect plants and animals, as well as bacteria. Duplication of the virus within a cellular structure often results in the death of the host cell, and viral particles are released through broken cell membranes and infect other cells. Viruses also have the capability to combine with the genetic material in the host cell chromosomes without killing the host cell. The nucleic acids RNA and DNA are spiral-shaped protein chains that express heredity codes transferred genetically and direct the formation of various protein substances. Nucleic acids contain individual packets of information which are species-specific." (Therefore, genetically enhanced vaccines using viruses can themselves alter our genetic code, leading to future epidemics and pandemics).
DNA / RNA Damage and Repair 
DNA may be modified in a variety of ways. DNA methylation has been shown to be involved with almost every biological process, and global DNA methylation levels may be associated with various disease states. Other DNA modifications such as oxidative DNA damage have been implicated in the development of a variety of cancers including colon, breast and prostate. Mutations to checkpoint kinases can ultimately lead to decreased DNA repair and increased susceptibility to cancer.
"Recently oxidative RNA damage has been described in conjunction with a wide variety of neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Dementia with Lewy Bodies."
Finally, here's a hypothesis which might explain the way in which introducing bacteria or viruses in a body (be it live or 'killed' vaccines) can lead to genetic change. I include only a small part of this fascinating paper.
Harold E. Buttram, MD; Susan Kreider, RN; Alan R. Yurko
October 11, 2002
The Role of Childhood Diseases
"There is a school of thought that the so-called minor childhood illnesses of former times, including measles, mumps, chicken pox, and rubella, which entered the body through the mucous membranes, served a necessary and positive purpose in challenging and strengthening the immune system of these membranes. Vaccines in contrast are injected directly into the body, consequently bypassing the mucous membranes, leaving the mucosal immunity relatively weak and stunted."

"In both The New England Journal (1) and the journal Thorax, (2) articles have appeared stating that a healthy immune system has a “bias” towards the cellular immune system, whereas people with allergies, asthma, and diseases of an autoimmune origin have a humoral-dominant system. It has also been shown that, once one of these subsets become dominant, it is difficult to shift the system to the other subset. (3)"
"There is no question about the results. They found a high percentage of RNA-DNA (ribonucleic-deoxyribonucleic) hybridization between bacterial DNA extracted from bacteria of the same species as that used in the experiment and titrated RNA extracted from auricles which has been dipped in the bacterial suspension. (DNA, the characteristic nucleic acid of the nucleus in all cells, is the fundamental substance which carries the genetic code within the cells of the body)."

“Since we know that no bacteria got into the frog auricles, we can only conclude that the bacterial DNA must have been exuded from the bacteria and absorbed by the animal cells,” says Stroun."

“This transfer phenomenon, or transcession, as Dr. Anker called it, is very probably a general one, otherwise, he and Dr. Stroun would hardly have succeeded first go, in getting bacterial RNA synthesized by animal tissues…”

“The implications of this work on transcession are enormous, for the Geneva work suggests that this phenomenon is going on the whole time – even in our own bodies…Could, for example, the heart damage that can follow after rheumatic fever and similar bacterial infections be the result of the body’s immunological system reacting to its own cells producing an alien RNA?”
In conclusion, I would like to end this article on a homeopathic note: Homeopathy has a term for long term inherited illness conditions called miasms, a term which closely follows the etiology of genetic damage and illness described above. Homeopathic miasms are indeed, a prelude to vaccine induced genetic damage. Therein lies an understanding of the various mutating vaccine induced illnesses affecting the planet, but also, possible solutions. There of course is resistance to this view. But for the good of future generations, we need to educate our selves now.

Continuing this paper in part II, Vaccine Wars and later in part III, Natural Immunization.

General References:
Tracking Vaccinations
Medication-induced Mitochondrial Damage 
Vaccination Liberation-Information