Wednesday, November 09, 2016

What just happened?

I said he'd win.
Donald Trump has just won the presidency of the United States. I said he'd win (that didn't require prophetic ability-though that too :)

Still made a point of recording it, just in case.

Hillary will never Apr 17, 2016  



What's happened is an old fashioned voters revolt. And if the privileged elite were too dumb to see it coming, then, karma. Obama took the trust given to him and betrayed the working class, and Hillary was so vile she made Donald Trump look, the better choice.
It is boring to say I told you so, but:
 Donald Trump can win the presidency In head to head polls, Americans have made it clear: in an election between Clinton and Trump, Donald Trump will win. On the other hand, the Democrats would most likely win both the presidency and Congress if Bernie Sanders were the nominee.
July 01, 2016:  The corruption of the American Political Process
What matters is that neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton are fit for public office, for reasons listed elsewhere. They are essentially, corrupt, running for office in a corrupted process; already compromised and easily blackmailable by those who care not for the poor and oppressed.
July 25, 2016: Don't give up
Pity America. They might well have a president Trump next year, as the polls show Trump leading Hillary. (But being beaten by Sanders).
And when I saw the millions of battered refugees stumbling across Europe, and abuse directed at them, something..snapped. America no longer has the 'mandate of heaven' to lead the world, and, if chaos be needed, there will be chaos.

It is no longer an American thing. It is a global thing. I've written what you can do to bring about change.

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