Do I control the weather?
Of course not. You do.
It is very peaceful outside. There's a welcome snowfall that blankets Ontario. Winter is here, though it is a very strange weather we have been having. Soon, it will be raining again, and the temperature will be seven degrees Celsius.
All of this is an introduction to the year ahead. Some one, reading my previous article The Costa Concordia Tragedy, asked if I really believed that my meditations controlled the weather? I told him to ask the question again :) and then, shortly after, we had a huge storm that blanketed the area. And the answer is that I'm neutral, but also, a catalyst to these changes that are taking place all over. The year began with a major solar storm, then more rain, a little snow that cleared all the turmoil that had been building up in people, and now, some more rain coming in.
So, do I control the weather? My answer is, synchronicity, which will tie in very well with my new article Psychoanalysis coming up. Or maybe it's all a series of coincidences, that wherever I go or whoever I think of there is change. I said it before; I bring change.
And now we enter the year of the water dragon, and yes, there will be great change. The worst is when everything remains the same.
So what does this very special year bring? Perhaps the Maya knew the real underlying secret to time, that there is no beginning or ending. So, as I already said, it's not an end or a beginning. The best is not to know, but expect, anything. Expect great changes.
The year of the water dragon is a year of spiritual growth, of mysticism, of communication. There are people out there, searching for answers. There are people who have given up hope. And there are people who, not having learned the lessons of karma, for whom, everything remains the same, and they are stuck in the pattern or repeating their lives, and their mistakes, over and over again. What else is karma but the chance to learn your lesson?
Water represents healing, and the dragon, the earth. Expect floods and earthquakes, expect material changes that will affect us for good or bad, expect healing. Work for spiritual change, and justice.
Last year, it looked like New York City would be flooded by a storm surge from a hurricane. I'm fond of New York though; it didn't happen. But there's an idiot there who doesn't believe, and others who don't understand. But my warnings still stand. Read what I have written on this blog and my other website Man From Atlan and when you're ready, call on me one way or the other (but the e-mail is on my profile page :)
Humanity is divided by class, and race, and religion, and politics. Those who have power are trying desperately to hold on to it, and it is they, and not us, that are held by their fears.
This year of the dragon will be a great flood that will sweep all before it. And me?