My first love was an American
Growing up in the diplomatic enclave of Tokyo I first came in contact with Americans at the American Nichimachi School and many of my neighbours were also, American. They were open and friendly, and I made many friends.
Then when I returned to Pakistan there was another family right across from us, funny enough. The father was American, the mom, Russian. How they ended up in Karachi I never knew, but the older brother, Christopher, was my friend, and Margaret, who was about my own age, was my first love.
She really liked me, and I, her, but being 10 at the time we never really knew how to proceed, and then she moved away.
Me and my family almost moved to the U.S. in 1970 but came to Canada instead.
So, for me, the United States is like one's first love, a memory that always remains in one's mind, like the question, what might have been.
As I grew up I realized there would always be the dichotomy of the ideals of the American Republic and Constitution and how it rose to greatness on the backs of ruthless expansion and war finance of its economy.
Now I have written at length about how I tried in previous years to bring about a spiritual awakening movement in the United States. (See "A Spiritual Journey to the United States") http://manfromatlan.blogspot.com/2007/12/spiritual-journey-to-u.html originally published in late 2001 then again in December 2007.
I was reminded of this just a few days ago, when someone asked me a general astrological question ;)
I said well, some Cancers were going through a rough time.
And since astrology is a theoretical science, it will never be 'proven' as there are indeed too many variables, so I try to avoid any blanket statements as to how, or when.
But, the day after I said that, the eastern seaboard of the U.S. was struck by a rare earthquake and the Washington Monument cracked.
And the US is a Cancer country, born on July 4, and this was a message.
So, if astrology is a karmic map, I can say the U.S. is in for some interesting times!
This is what I wrote shortly after the events of September 2001: "And if Earth Changes are required to bring about harmony, let them take place"
And: "This applies to all the people of the United States. You, and all your generations, are trapped inside a spiritual, emotional and karmic place, and never will be free until you heal the harm that was done in your name"
Please understand that all this shows in the horoscope of the U.S. The Sagittarius ascendant shows the ideals that formed the basis of its founding. The Mars Neptune square, deception and corruption of those ideals. Pluto opposite Mercury and Pars Fortunae in the 8th house, ruthless exploitation of natural resources and jingoist propaganda to exculpate that. And Sun, Venus and Jupiter conjunct in the 7th house, being so blessed with good fortune and love from its allies.
But, every cycle comes to an end, and the planets now show so clearly what will be.
Saturn returns to its original position every 30 years, (It became exact in November 2010, continued through 2011) and signifies a time of renewal, but also, the culmination of activities that have formed that cycle, for good or evil. Karma is just a form of balance.
Pluto opposite planets in Cancer, signifying a shift in national identity. And in September, more upheavals going into the new year.
I wrote in 'Healer" http://manfromatlan.blogspot.com/2011/04/healer.html and "America the Spiritual" http://manfromatlan.blogspot.com/2011/03/america-spiritual.html what was going to happen, and what needed to be done.
I know how to offer help, but don't know how to ask for it. Yet I do know one thing. If there is going to be that spiritual change which is the only possible thing that will ensure our survival, it must begin there, in the United States. If there is one person of means out there who is prepared to take a chance and help me, then let me know. The information will always be available to everyone, but, at this time of my life, I will ask for help.
There are two places I need to be soon. The U.S., and, Europe.
The contact address is on my profile page.
I look forward to hearing from you.