Thursday, October 29, 2009
This stupid, stupid war

Monday, October 19, 2009
Mysticism, not Religion
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Spiritual Children
and feels their energy. Lately spirits have been talking to her, and she's frightened. She asked my daughter to help get rid of them. One spirit is friendly, and when they talk to him every thing's fine. The other one is more disturbed, and when they move into her 'territory' the wind blows. My daughter says it's spooky, but she's not really scared. Her friend is, though, and we may have to talk to her parents.
In 1848 there was an event that led to the development of modern day spiritualism. Three young sisters of the Fox family in the town of Hydesville, New York, started to communicate with the spirits of the dead. People came from all over to see tables and chairs lift off the floor, hear rapping noises and other phenomena.
http://www.pararesearchers.org/Psychic/fox/fox.html ; http://www.prairieghosts.com/foxsisters.html
They determined the spirit causing the events was a man who'd been murdered and buried in their cellar. No body was found, but in 1904 further excavation did in fact find a body in the cellar area. Newspapers reported the story widely; and as the craze swept America, sceptics and believers argued about the truth of spiritualism. Many people did in fact try to debunk them, but were never able to prove trickery. And many people who had lost family were heartened to believe they could contact the spirits of their loved ones.
Yet for all their wealth earned by their mediumship abilities the sisters descended into alcoholism and died penniless. In 1888 the most gifted of them, Maggie Fox, crippled by stress, even claimed to have made it all up, but later recanted her confession. The fact remains that the 19th century was a remarkable time with spiritual events taking place all over the world. Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophist movement, Arthur Conan Doyle's 'Cottingley Fairies' photos (later assumed to be faked) and the inexplicable levitation feats of Daniel Dunglass Holmes: http://www.occultcenter.com/2007/12/levitation/
A great deal of effort goes into trying to understand, perhaps even to rationalise these events. And my childhood was like that. I saw spirits, and sort of levitated (I jumped off a roof) and my childhood was spiritual. And I hope I can help my children to be spiritual.
But here's the thing: We're going through a tremendous time of change, and children are being affected by it. I'm concerned that parents might neither understand what's happening nor how to help them. I also am aware that there's a health factor involved. Due to environmental toxins and vaccines children are developing brain tumours that may cause hallucinations (I've treated many such children over the summer)
But: children need to learn to develop these special gifts they are born with, safely, they need to be nurtured, they need to know how to balance the spiritual realms with the material, and, they need to not be afraid of the unknown. They need a spiritual practice, be it meditation, or even esoteric training with a teacher, to keep the energies at arms length. But when balanced, these children are amazing!
I saw many gifted people lose their abilities over time or suppress them. I saw many people either medicated or turn to drugs and alcoholism. Is it a mental health issue or one of misunderstood spiritual ability and extreme emotional sensitivity?
I know only this: that there's a child who's afraid of what she sees, and hears. For her sake I will tell her parents, but hope she will also, never ever lose her very special gifts.