Backasswards logic: An illogical war must be continued because otherwise "we aren't supporting the troops"
Republican logic: We have to invade Iraq to kill the bad guys.
Democratic logic: We have to invade Afghanistan and Pakistan to kill the bad guys.
Pogo on Vietnam: "We have met the enemy, and it is us"
The people who start these wars aren't stupid, of course. We, on the other hand, might not know (for now) how to stop them. They want to make this planet into a permanent slave colony, and it's up to us, to, not be slaves.
Two geniuses, Aldous Huxley and George Orwell, had opposing dystopian views of the future. Huxley, that we would be so distracted by the pleasure principle, by drugs and sexuality that we wouldn't really care about the ways in which we were controlled. Orwell, that we would be manipulated into hating the other, and that we could controlled through pain, and deprivation, and psychological mind control, and the lack of love.
Both were right, of course. So we need to focus on our goals, and, to love one another. And we need to know, the wars are a result of the imbalance within our selves. Oh, I predicted this War, as those who've read the blog articles and previous writings know.
But my answer to it, my solution, is harder. You have to follow me, and then I will stop this insane war? No I won't. It will follow its course, as it follows what humanity has created, and, allowed to happen.
But I will still bring peace, and the peace inside me will spread around the world to those who believe, and, there will be miracles.
"You have to follow me, and then will I stop this insane war? No I won't. It will follow its course, as it follows what humanity has created, and, allowed to happen. But I will still bring peace, and the peace inside me will spread around the world to those who believe, and, there will be miracles.
Come on then, I say to the Speaker behind the speaker, get on with it!
You created man and man created problems, so man is to blame for all these self-inflicted wounds, right? But what Healer sets out to heal the wounds of those who create their own wounds?
A very strange healer indeed.
An unusually stimulating little article, Naseer. I enjoyed the references to Orwell and Huxley. I've just been rereading 1984. Its brilliant political insights never cease to amaze me.
I have to say that the future looks more Huxleyish than Orwellian: a world in which the pleasure principle regns supreme and men are enslaved by their own passions.
Here lies the future: endless sex, drugs and violence — all wrapped in the cellophane of fantasy.
Hi, Xanadu, when I talk about miracles and peace I am also skating very close to the edge. The creator doesn't blame, and how often comes to not only heal the self-inflicted wounds, but by choice, chooses to suffer on behalf of humanity as well?
But some things have to happen, and will. And the Healer does not heal, but helps people to heal themselves. So to cure this war, I say, cure yourself first.
There was a ginger cat that died, found on a roadside in Devon. He showed up again yesterday.
You have seen miracles too.
Perhaps its a time for 'small' miracles now?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
— Margaret Mead
Xanadu's variation:
"Never doubt that a group of thoughtful, committed people (i.e., the Frankfurt School) and thoughtless, uncommitted people (i.e., the conned sheeple), can change the world between them. They already have."
You're talking about a particular intellectual movement with emphasis on social restructuring. The sort of thing said about "Fabian Socialists" in certain circles :) But who promoted them?
Suggest you read "The Gods of Eden" by William Bramley, about the role of financial groups, governing elites and secret societies in starting religions and cultural movements.
And if "they're" committed, shouldn't we be MORE so?
Chicago School of Economics, Annie Besant, and Ayn Rand, are also boogiemen for the cognoscenti :)but the person who probably caused the greatest harm probably was Edward Bernays http://uk.altermedia.info/occultpsy-war/karl-rove-freuds-nephew_56.html
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country… We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized… ”
So opens Propaganda (1928), one of several strikingly frank analyses of western social psychology written by Edward Bernays. This nephew of Sigmund Freud founded the public relations industry in the United States"
Hi Naseer,
Nice article. I've been with you for 10 years now and haven't found a peace such that comes with your teachings, your guidance, your presence and your love and devotion. Every time I'm a total and complete jerk you just have to say one word OR I just have to think of you and immidiately the turn-around starts. (Mind you that doesn't mean life's a peace of cake (and infact the level of responsibility is so much higher)yet the amount of growth and permanent healing that has taken place within me is unquantifiable -so thanks again).
...pardon the 'peace' pun;)
So opens Propaganda (1928), one of several strikingly frank analyses of western social psychology written by Edward Bernays. This nephew of Sigmund Freud founded the public relations industry in the United States."
Yes, the power of propaganda is great. Xanadu (Lasha Darkmoon) mentions Edward de Bernays in Part 2 of her article, The Plot Against Art.
How Anyone Can Be Famous
Andy Warhol once said that everyone in the future will be “world-famous for fifteen minutes.” What he failed to point out was that almost anyone, including the village idiot, can be made into a celebrity with the help of public relations. All it takes is constant attention in the mass media. Charles Saatchi, advertising mogul and art collector extraordinaire, spells it out: “An unknown artist’s big glass vitrine holding a rotten cow’s head covered by maggots and swarms of buzzing flies may be pretty unsalable. Until the artist becomes a star. Then he can sell anything he touches”. (My emphasis).
How does one become a star? Who gives the Emperor his new clothes and helps to suggest he is remarkably well dressed?
An unmade bed is transformed into a consummate work of art once it is bought by Charles Saatchi and placed in a prestigious art gallery. The artist acquires a mystique created out of the power of suggestion. You must be a genius if everyone is raving about you and your unmade bed. Mass hypnosis does the trick. Advertising and persistent persuasion work wonders. See HERE [1] and HERE [2] and HERE [3]."
1. Edward de Bernays, "Propaganda."
2. Vance Packard, "The Hidden Persuaders."
3. Charles Mackay, "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds."
Quote from Lasha Darkmoon, The Plot Against Art. (Part 2)
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