I've written a lot about the Psychic without really explaining what it meant, or, how to develop it in one's self. And, how important it is for our understanding of what is, regardless of prejudices against what is called the Occult, or, the hidden, the unknown.
How did I come by this knowledge? Well, I believe we all are gifted with so many abilities, but don't know how to use even a portion of them. We use a small portion of our brains; we act only in small ways. We pursue the spiritual without understanding what that is, because we limit ourselves in another very important part of our being, the psychic. And, when we seek knowledge, we get answers, and spend the rest of our lives developing and proving our er, theories :)
There are Physical chakras, or material manifestations like health and wealth; the Psychic, which is the higher expression of our emotions; and lastly, the Spiritual, which balances them all together in the whole but can manifest in ways that are themselves balanced and peaceful, or, unbalanced. Where they are blocked or strong shows in many ways.
Psychism is also a gift connected with what I call the super-brain; the part we rarely use except in times of deepest stress or exercises designed to reach another space.
My research into the brain and how it works came into being by many ways. My growing awareness of my own abilities, written about in these pages at great length. My interest in mental health; and my observations of our extended families; we are a gifted but er, rather sensitive family, and I had the opportunity to observe them at great length.
Yes, Psychism may be manifested in the ability to see the future (though I avoid the fortune-telling aspect) I also think it gives the ability to understand people, because the empathetic quality necessary to be a Psychic, a Healer, a Physician, all lies within this area.
And, another thing that interests me: what's the difference between psychism and prophecy? None whatsoever, the source is the same. Though what the prophets did can of course be marvelous in many ways.
Then we get to Psychology: and yes, we have the giants like Freud, Jung and Adler, and I can see where their ideas could have, if developed further, really helped the human condition. But, without developing and seeing its connection to Psychism, I submit to you it is neither science nor art, but, in my opinion, good for labeling behaviors while not being able to effect any cure for the human condition beyond what the body can do to heal itself.
First, my definitions: human beings have 12 chakras, not 7 as defined by the different Indian system.
The 3 Physical Chakras start from the feet, black, red, and orange. The 5 Psychic chakras start with the solar plexus, yellow, then green, pink, sky blue, and indigo. The last 4 start with and go above the head, and they are the Spiritual chakras. Starting with the crown, violet, we proceed to green/gold, cobalt blue, and white.
Before we develop these centers, first we must understand them.
Yellow is the seat of the soul, the ego. A storehouse of all emotional memories which help us define who we are and what validates us.
Green is the energy of the heart, healing and creativity, which is where we give to others. This is the energy coming into this planet, and into, us.
Pink is the energy of our dharma, our purpose in life. By finding it, we alleviate the pain of karma.
Sky Blue is the intellect, speech, communication. If overstimulated it leads to fear and over analysis. The last three centuries have been the era of rational thinking, media, Internet. This also is the energy that most blocks us from the psychic understanding of further horizons.
Indigo, the last chakra, is the center of our intuitive power. We can tap into, or fog it, by the use of alcohol and drugs.
Understanding helps us to develop these powers, but first we must heal our hidden emotional vulnerabilities, forgive the past, and heal our karma. After that it merely is a matter of practice and observational exercises.
I had a difficult girl friend once :) who couldn't stand to sit beside me. She said she felt I was reading her mind. Let me tell you, I spent all my life learning to tune people out, not in. To not take other's energies into myself. Plus, there are certain ethical principles that apply: misuse these gifts and they go into some deep and dark spaces.
When I first came to Toronto 40 years ago sure, I did some psychic work, and met many Psychics, Healers, and Spiritual Groups. Toronto was quite a happening place then. But what I saw was they couldn't protect themselves from these forces they worked with, and lost many good friends to suicide, cancer, and even, murder. So, I learned to tap into those forces, without harm.
And, since my children also have these gifts, teach them from an early age. Every child is born with this, but, if not supported by parents, if directed only towards what they consider real, then that gift is lost. And psychosis can also set in, and then they go down the sad road of medication.
Psychism helps us with finding our direction in life. Call it an enhanced intuition, but if I had a choice between going to New York where I could set up a spiritual group and almost be guaranteed publishing of my book, then I would go to London instead for many years where I pursued my spiritual quest while putting aside the material. Because the voice told me I had to take a different road. And the more often you trust your voice, the more often you're right. And you take the road less travelled, and still, meet the person you are meant to meet.
Yes, we hear the voices of spirit friends, but we also hear our own voices. And one more voice we hear, is that which society broadcasts at us. As someone who's read Psychologist Edward Bernay's 1928 book Propaganda, (he was the nephew of Sigmund Freud) with prescriptions for how to manipulate public opinion in a free society, I understand how difficult it is to resist the daily manipulation of our mind through fear, terror, and regular doses of well, propaganda; all sky blue - throat chakra energy.
I also note the close cooperation between elements of intelligence service and the psychiatric field in experiments with mind control, and with various cults, new age movements and media :)
So yeah, crop circles and UFO's are interesting phenomena, but, they also are fake. With all due respect to those who er, believe in them :)
I also note the Occult Wars that are taking place in so many ways. One, where people use psychic means to control others. Uggh. Two, where they get into weird rituals and magickal endeavours (more on that later) Three, where the pursuit of power becomes an end in itself. Again, that is self-defeating and harmful. Whatever gains there are, are temporary. Whatever wars there are on the physical or emotional plane die off as we seek the spiritual.
Yet when people try to search for answers beyond the rational, they are set upon by well-funded 'rationalists' who lead jihads against anything they consider irrational, be it Astrology or Alternative Medicine. They even attack Universities like Duke that try to do research into parapsychology. Of course, if the CIA finds the Russians are conducting similar research, what do they do but fund similar programs? While denigrating everything that has to do with spirituality? There even are wars against religion, not to reform them, but to alter the good aspects of them. And I've already commented on various mind control mechanisms, without having to make protestations that no, I'm NOT paranoid or delusional. Time will tell:)
This really is a teaching for those who already are seekers. Without overcoming the barriers of the mind and replenishing the depleted energies of the soul, you're blocked from really becoming one with spirituality.
First, you need to let go of the negative aspects of the Psychic Chakras and the Occult Wars, which are, fear, anger, hatred, and delusion.
Then: you need to balance the analytical with the intuitive, and give flow to the energies of the heart,
you need to trust your deepest, inner being, and allow its free expression,
and you need to make the leap of faith that takes you know not where, but unquestioningly dive into the deep river that flows across the heavens.