Saturday, January 12, 2008

The person who inspired me

This essay was written by my daughter Soriah for a school project. She had to write about a Canadian from another culture who inspired her, and tie that in with how it was to be a child growing up in a multi-cultural household, while still being Canadian.

We ended up choosing me as the person who inspired her (no surprise:) but this had to do with the whole subject of culture, multi-culturalism and the melting pot theory of America where newcomers try to be more American than the native born and still are considered less if they're of a different background, religion or colour.

But Canada welcomed me, and while it allows people to retain their own culture as long as they practice Canadian values of tolerance and fairness, it was the freedom it gave me to grow in my own path that I love most about her. If there was one country in the world where I'd wish to raise my children, it would be Canada.

I enjoyed helping Soriah with the project for this reason, but the words, and feelings, are hers, and here, she's the person who inspired me.

The person who inspired me
By Soriah Feie Naseer

Essay plan:

What: Meditation, healing, writing, teaching, and helping autistic and other patients.

Who: My dad, Naseer Ahmad. He’s a holistic doctor, spiritual teacher and writer.

Where: Pakistan, England, Japan, and Canada.

When: Came to Canada in 1970.

Why: He inspires me to become a writer and healer. He and my mother belong to different cultures and this is part of me but I’m still Canadian.

The person who inspires me the most is my dad, Naseer Ahmad. He came to Canada from Pakistan in 1970. He’s a holistic doctor here in Toronto. He’s not a famous person, but he affected my life a lot.

My dad was born in Pakistan from Indian parents but grew up in England and Japan. When he was a child he could see spirits and energy. (So can I!) After leaving Japan he went back to Pakistan where he first went to military school. When he couldn’t join the Air Force he went to University and studied History. He also studied Spirituality, Healing and Psychism. He came to Canada because he felt it was the right place for him.

When he came to Toronto he started classes in meditation and healing. It was easy for him to adjust to life in Canada because he had known many other cultures and English was his first language. He also felt Canadians were nicer to people who’re different.

He wrote two spiritual books, in 1974, and 1977. One of them, Man From Atlan, about past lives, was published in 1990. He also went to England and many other countries where he studied alternative medicine. Since I have Autistic brothers and a sister he started a clinic where he helped them and many other children get better.

This affected my life because it made me want to be a healer too. Another thing I like about him is that he’s a writer. I would like to be able to communicate well too.

We have different backgrounds in our home, since my mother is Hungarian, and father Pakistani, but they tell me I’m a Canadian, not Hungarian-Pakistani Canadian. I was born here, and so were my brothers and sisters. We speak English at home, and while I would like to visit India, Pakistan and Hungary, we’re Canadian. When my grandparents visit us I see they’re different and that’s nice. But Canada inspires me to feel free to be whatever I want to be, and not something else.


Anonymous said...

hey Man, come check out our event in the UTM campus with regards to the "Toronto 18" non-existent "terrorists" last 2 summers ago in 2006.

Man From Atlan said...

Sorry I couldn't read the language Crescenet; seems like a lovely site.

Salman, I hope you are well. Keep in touch